I Built Secret Passageways and a Kid Paradise!

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Justin Flom has created the ULTIMATE fun house inside the very home he lives in! What's your favorite project he's made? With so many finished, and more on the way, it's almost impossible to choose between the trampoline in the living room, trap door closets, outdoor ball pit, and everything else!
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Every kid wants a dad like you, your beyond awesome. And your wife is totally cool for going along with it 👍


Your everything a father/dad/husband wants to be. If I had anyone in my life or had a life, I would try that! GOD BLESS & PEACE OUT!!!


Wow! You, dad, obviously have imagination, energy, strength, skills, money, the right tools and most of all, LOVE for your family. Thank you for sharing your joy with the rest of us. ❤


You are one of the the best fathers a child could have... Beautiful, fun and loving soul. Never stop enjoying and #LivingLife


Love this! Man indulging his inner child... creating wonders for his kids to enjoy! The guys gotta be an engineer... investing time and resources... encouraging exploration and cognitive development in his children... providing inspiration for genius.


Great memories for his children. Priceless!


What FUN!! We thought a couple trips to Disney and the summer on the beach was cool!! Couple ski trips over a 10 year time frame with the kids and family!! But most important was the time spent together with the kids ! Was the real magic!! Don’t miss out!!
Spend the TIME to know your children!!? You will never regret it!!!? And their are no do overs when they are I’m still enjoying mine!! Now, 37, 46 and 50!!!
Our adventures now include 16 grandchildren and assorted spouses!!
Live!!! LOVE!!!


The fact that he literally turned his entire house into a playhouse for the kids is straight up dedication as a father and I have so much respect for Justin for that


Il est hyper créatif autant pour ses enfant que pour l'aménagement d'espaces et de passages secrets dans la maison.
Franchement.. il est très ingénieux. respect.


Какой классный папа - строит детям сказку. В моем детстве, если что-то испортишь или поцарапаешь, получишь по шее от родителей. Зато бабушка с дедушкой у меня были волшебные: то цыплят завели прямо в городской квартире, построив им отдельный домик в шкафу, когда внуки захотели (летом подрощенных цыплят отвезли на дачу, в загородный дом), то разрешили хозяйственную постройку на даче использовать внукам под "музей" (мы реально с братом находили всякие кундштюки, вроде утюга 19 века в пруду или древней маски, и устраивали "экспозицию" для друзей и знакомых). Помню, как под бабушкиной швейной машинкой Zinger, в той части, где открывался столик для кройки, я устраивала свой "домик", набрав подушек с дивана и штору. И никто не ругался.
Очень важно позволять детям интересно играть - это воспоминания на всю жизнь. Если сам что-то построил или родители, бабушки-дедушки.
Ещё раз - респект такому папе-затейнику 👍❤️


Отличный отец для дочерей . ❤творчество, фантазия, воображение и самое главное руки которые все эти идеи делают. Мололец 🫖☕🌸👍😃


The family support all around is so strong and lovely, life is about enjoyment and the entire family nails it!


Just think of the memories this man has gifted not only to his family, but to himself as well! We get to parent our children for only a few short years. But this family now has amazing memories to draw upon for their entire lives! It’s an emotional health “savings account” to draw upon literally forever!


Dude is awesome and Props to the wife for just going along with all these ideas. What a great couple


This is awesome!! When ever I see this type of video I picture the adult as a child with the plan already worked out in their head as a child for something they truly wanted!! Just dormant until adulthood and they can achieve their dream desires!!! I had a couple myself and have attained a few😅


Great Daddy, this is one thing they will remember all their lives. I say if you are able to do it for your kids do it.


What an amazing father and man!!! The world would definitely be alot better of a place if more fathers would be as dedicated to their children and family as what this man is!!! God Bless him!!! 😇


What a beautiful family. The dad was raised right and giving s lot to his loved ones, awesome!


You and your family are awesome!! You are such a fun and creative father and husband. I want you to build me a house with all kinds of secret passageways, hidden rooms, ball pits, jungle gyms, and backyard inventions...and I'm in my 40's!!! 😂❤


I know I had paddocks and horses and motorbikes and paddy bashers, a tyre swing, pine trees to climb and rivers to swim in, but wow this a whole other level. Very educational for the kids. Imagine selling the house as is. Yes please.
