🏋️‍♂️3 KEY TIPS to IMPROVE your BENCH PRESS!! #BenchPress #StrengthTraining

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1. Technique Overhaul: Ensure your feet are firmly planted on the floor, grip the bar just wider than shoulder-width, and maintain a natural arch in your lower back. Proper form is crucial for maximizing power and minimizing injury. I often say “pinch the bench,” which means drive your shoulder blades back into the bench as if to squeeze the bench… lastly create decent tension outward on the bar to engage the lats…

2. Accessory Exercises: Strengthen related muscle groups by incorporating exercises like triceps dips, dmbl bench, lat pulldowns and military presses. These will enhance your overall pressing strength. I recommend doing a lot of variations to produce decent stimulus overload. Think isolation exercises as well, such as lat pressdowns, flys and more...

3. Progressive Overloading: Gradually increase the weight you lift to challenge your muscles. Also, vary your repetitions and sets to avoid plateaus and stimulate muscle growth… like I mentioned earlier in the week regarding leg strength, do not just sit in the 1-5 rep range. You need to go through de-load and rebuilding phases where you emphasize 8-10 reps, controlled tempos and fast tempos. Sometimes progressive overload can simply just be ‘new stimulus.’

🔥 Ready to bench like a beast? Train with me at Functional Muscle Fitness and discover how targeted coaching can skyrocket your strength.

#BenchPress #StrengthTraining #CoachWine #FunctionalMuscleFitness #Powerlifting #GymTips #FitnessFreak #BenchPressTips
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Worst grip ever to bench, NEVER bench with that grip y'all
