Keto Waffle Cones

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3 large eggs at room temperature
1 large egg white at room temperature
½ teaspoon (3mL) vanilla extract
1 tablespoon (15g) melted salted butter
½ cup (50g) blanched almond flour

Preheat the waffle cone maker to medium high heat.
Pour 2-3 tbsps of the batter to a waffle cone maker. Cook until golden brown. Let it cool completely to crisp. Cones will get crispier the next day.

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#ketoserts #ketowafflecone #sugarfreewafflecone

Conos De Gofres
3 huevos grandes a temperatura ambiente
1 clara de huevo grande a temperatura ambiente
½ cucharadita (3 ml) de extracto de vainilla
¼ de taza (50 g) de eritritol granulado
1 cucharada (15 g) de mantequilla salada derretida
½ taza (50 g) de harina de almendras blanqueadas
½ taza (55 g) de harina de linaza dorada

Precaliente la máquina para hacer conos de gofres a fuego medio alto.
Vierta 2-3 cucharadas de la masa en una máquina para hacer conos de gofres. Cocine hasta que estén doradas. Deje que se enfríe completamente para que quede crujiente. Los conos se volverán más crujientes al día siguiente.

Coni di cialda
3 uova grandi a temperatura ambiente
1 albume grande a temperatura ambiente
½ cucchiaino (3 ml) di estratto di vaniglia
¼ di tazza (50 g) di eritritolo granulato
1 cucchiaio (15 g) di burro salato fuso
½ tazza (50 g) di farina di mandorle sbollentate
½ tazza (55 g) di farina di semi di lino dorati

Preriscaldare la macchina per coni per waffle a fuoco medio-alto.
Versare 2-3 cucchiai di pastella in una macchina per coni per waffle. Cuocere fino a doratura. Lasciatela raffreddare completamente fino a renderla croccante. I coni diventeranno più croccanti il giorno successivo.

Cônes gaufrés
3 gros œufs à température ambiante
1 gros blanc d'oeuf à température ambiante
½ cuillère à thé (3mL) d'extrait de vanille
¼ tasse (50 g) d'érythritol granulé
1 cuillère à soupe (15g) de beurre salé fondu
½ tasse (50 g) de farine d'amande blanchie
½ tasse (55 g) de farine de graines de lin dorées

Préchauffer le gaufrier à feu moyen-vif.
Versez 2 à 3 cuillères à soupe de pâte dans un gaufrier. Cuire jusqu'à coloration dorée. Laissez-le refroidir complètement jusqu'à ce qu'il soit croustillant. Les cornets deviendront plus croustillants le lendemain.

Cones de waffle
3 ovos grandes em temperatura ambiente
1 clara de ovo grande em temperatura ambiente
½ colher de chá (3mL) de extrato de baunilha
¼ xícara (50g) de eritritol granulado
1 colher de sopa (15g) de manteiga com sal derretida
½ xícara (50g) de farinha de amêndoa branqueada
½ xícara (55g) de farinha de linhaça dourada

Pré-aqueça a máquina de cone de waffle em fogo médio alto.
Despeje 2-3 colheres de sopa da massa em uma máquina de waffle. Cozinhe até dourar. Deixe esfriar completamente para ficar crocante. Os cones ficarão mais crocantes no dia seguinte.

Вафельные рожки
3 больших яйца комнатной температуры
1 большой яичный белок комнатной температуры
½ чайной ложки (3 мл) ванильного экстракта
¼ стакана (50 г) гранулированного эритрита
1 столовая ложка (15 г) растопленного соленого масла
½ стакана (50 г) бланшированной миндальной муки
½ стакана (55 г) золотой льняной муки

Разогрейте вафельницу до средней температуры.
Налейте 2-3 столовые ложки теста в вафельницу. Готовьте до золотисто-коричневого цвета. Дайте ему полностью остыть до хрустящей корочки. Конусы станут более хрустящими на следующий день.

مخاريط الوافل
3 بيضات كبيرة في درجة حرارة الغرفة
1 بياض بيضة كبيرة في درجة حرارة الغرفة
نصف ملعقة صغيرة (3 مل) من خلاصة الفانيليا
نصف كوب (50 جم) إريثريتول محبب
1 ملعقة كبيرة (15 جم) زبدة مملحة ذائبة
نصف كوب (50 جم) دقيق لوز مقشر
نصف كوب (55 جم) دقيق بذور الكتان الذهبي

سخن صانعة الوافل على حرارة متوسطة عالية.
صب 2-3 ملاعق كبيرة من الخليط في صانع كعكة الوافل. يُطهى حتى يصبح لونه بنياً ذهبياً. دعها تبرد تمامًا حتى تنضج. سوف تصبح المخاريط أكثر هشاشة في اليوم التالي.
Рекомендации по теме

Just made these today. This is the third cone recipe I have tried, and it is definitely the best. I tried it last as I thought it would be too eggy, but it is not. No egg taste at all. I have the same waffle iron and only use 2tbs of batter to get a super crunch cone. Fabulous. Can’t wait to see if they get crispier tomorrow as noted in her recipe. I wonder how to store them to maintain crispiness? Thanks so much for another great recipe!!!


Jusy bought your waffle cone maker and the link you provided is on sale. 👏 Guys buy the waffle cone maker, huge savings on her link.


Just this morning I was thinking, I wonder if there is a way to make keto wafers. I looked for info and got nothing, however ugly cone recipes kept popping up. And then this upload. I am floored. Now I can make this, cut into wafers, dip in chocolate sauce and pecans and stick in a bowl of ice cream. Thanks a million.


What a creative keto recipe person 👌 you are. I love 💘 that your recipes are straight to the point with quick instructions and demonstration unlike some others that talk too much and are long to watch. As many people here have said you are a Gem 💎 a Royal Gem, I appreciate you 🙏 ❤.


رائعه كالعادة ومميزة وسهله وبسيطه في اداء الوصفه .تسلم ايدكي


One of the very best Keto channels on here ☝🏽😊 💫🧡💫


So crispy just like the regular sugary cones. Amazing! Perfect for this hot summery season.


Yum 🤤.. this stuffed with your avocado pistachio ice cream.. or any other of your ice cream recipes.. 🍦
I enjoy your recipes.. I also enjoy the kitchen gadgets you link us too to make your recipes… thank you 🙏


Mammamia! Sei geniale ! Bravissima 👍🏻💓


Hi it’s me again
Oh boy slowly you’re filling our Keto
Heaven many many thanks for your
If there were an award on YouTube for
The ultimate channel to go this is it
So everyone please hit the bottom
And give this wonderful creator HER DO !
Like I said before I’m waiting for the book That I’m positive will be a a HUGE

All the best !

Once again another master piece along with ICE CREAN Yummy 😋

Kudos to you Joung Lady 👏🦋🥳


I purchased one of these machines about a year ago at a Thrift Store and was waiting for a Keto recipe! Thank You!


You ought to write a cookbook! I would by it! :-)


Your videos are always easy to follow, straight to the making without annoying talking and a pleasure to watch. Thanks very much and looking forward to more videos from you.


Literally, I was thinking I wish someone made sugar free/low sugar coes, and now this... I immediately bought a waffle cone maker. Thank you for posting this recipe; can't wait to try it out!


YOU ARE THE BEST! That's all I can say😘😘😘


Thanks for providing a link in your description box. I just bought the waffle cone maker! Can’t wait for it to arrive tomorrow. My kids will be so thrilled!


Ooooo por Dios un buen cono para esas nieves deliciosas que nos as enseñado grandioso buen provechito 😋 😉 😘 👌 👍 🤗🙏🌹


This is by far the best keto waffle cone recipe!!! Perfect amount of sweetness and crispy 👌🏻 Thanks so much!!


Wow! I didn’t know such machines existed! Thank you for sharing!


Que ricoooo se antoja mucho y se podrán hacer de cualquier forma verdad? Que bien. Quiero hacerlo YA!!!! GRACIAS
