Martin Buber vs. Carl Jung: Letter to Bernhard Lang Dated June 1957

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This is a reading from The New God-Image by Edward Edinger, published by Chiron Publications in 1996. This letter appears in C.G. Jung Letters, Volume II, Pp. 375-379.

Mr. Lang had written to Dr. Jung asking, “Do you regard yourself as a believing person and is you statement ‘modern consciousness abhors belief’ simply the legitimate, descriptive statement of a scientist about the present state of consciousness, or do you identify yourself personally with this attitude?”

Ideas and definitions needed for following this letter:

Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)--"Kantian Ethics" revolve entirely around duty rather than emotions or end goals. Kant regarded himself as showing the way beyond the impasse which modern philosophy and led to between rationalists and empiricists. Source: Wikipedia "Kantianism"

"Categorical Imperative"--Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals

1st Formulation: Objective--"Act as if the maxims of your action were to become through your will a universal law of nature."

Drs. Jung & Edinger, as practicing psychiatrists and medical doctors, were always looking for the best medical outcome for their patients, be they individuals, groups, societies, or the human race as a whole. They regarded themselves as the chosen vessels to synthesize the dichotomy between science and religion, viewing religious texts as empirical Psychic Facts.

As Dr. Jung said in ¶752 of _Answer to Job_, "It does not matter at all that a physically impossible fact is asserted, because all religious assertions are physical impossibilities. If they were not so, they would, as I said earlier, necessarily be treated in the textbooks of natural science. But religious statements without exception have to do with the reality of the Psyche and not with the reality of the physis (physical world).

00:06—Helping listeners understand what Dr. Jung was saying about religion.
00:54—The deepest Archetype of the Unconscious—The Self.
01:29—What we feel and experience as God in all religions.
02:02—What Dr. Jung considered himself to be according to Dr. Edward F. Edinger.
02:11—Dr. Edward F. Edinger talking about Dr. Jung as a scientist.
02:40—Dr. Jung’s work was “primarily a scientific accomplishment. He discovered the objective Psyche.”
04:53—Difference between physical science and the science of depth psychology.
05:37—The subject of the Objective Psyche.
06:16—The Objective Psyche is the Source of all religions, philosophy, art, mythology, and worldviews of all kinds.
08:06—Dr. Jung is an empirical scientist of the Psyche.
09:03—The reason I had the insight that the Jungian community was/is hiding the religious aspects of Dr. Jung’s work.
09:56—Why I’m emphasizing Dr. Jung’s religious studies.
10:47—Dr. Jung’s letter to Bernhard Lang: Reference to the “Buber-Jung Controversy.”
11:53—“It is here that threshold that separates two epics plays the principle role. I mean by threshold the theory of knowledge whose starting point is Kant. On that threshold minds go their separate ways, those that have understood Kant, and those who cannot follow him.”
12:23—Making things clearer from a more human perspective.
12:46—Is the “believer” (Buber) the possessor of a “receiver” that allows him to know the transcendent?
13:49—Translation: “beati possidentes” of belief=the happy owning of belief.
18:47—“Everything that man asserts about God is twaddle.”
22:03—Translation: “pistis”=”that is to say, trust or loyalty, faith and confidence in a certain experience of a numinous nature. The conversion of Paul is a striking example of this.”
24:19—It cannot be established whether something transcendent (unconscious) is permanently inaccessible or only at present.
25:05—Definition—“Epistemology”—“the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.” Source: Google definitions.

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Рекомендации по теме

Earlier today before listening to this reading I had a meditation on the creation of the Trinity image and Jung answered every question I had, before I knew they where questions. I do not understand why or how this information could have come to me at this time. It seems to be a repeating pattern. Where you will read a piece of information from Jungs work that fits exactly with my religious studies, and experiences.

It makes it all the more wierd that you read from Jung semi haphazardly, and I have listened to your work sporadically. Jungs work is so comprehensive and the tid bits of knowledge so obscure. It cannot possibly be "random".


Wow, Excellent video! Love your channel and very grateful for your hard work.


It would be nice if the two groups trying to out shout the other in front of my City Hall this afternoon could sit together and listen 👂 to this! ✨😺💫


Hello, I am not really sophisticated in the works of Jung, but I am german and if you need help with some Texts or letters, I have access to a library with all the works and letters. So if you have questions I could look things up for you. (in regard to translation)
