Ended 3 CR TOUCH problem not leveling correctly ⚠️HELP⚠️

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I am positive that the settings are correct and that it is mounted right. Why is it doing this?
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Try adding M420 S1 after the G29 . It seems like G29 doesn't actually enable mesh leveling after probing the bed, even though the documentation says it does.
I also preheat my bed before probing it to account for any expansion.
It's also possible that there's some warping on the build plate that doesn't get captured by a 3x3 mesh. You'd have to make a custom build of the firmware to get more points.
For cleaning, alcohol will work for a few times, but I finally just switched to washing the bed with Dawn when prints were having issues sticking.

Oh, and you can also fine tune the z offset while printing. The paper method isn't always close enough.


I have an Ender 3v2 with Sprite Pro hotend, CR Touch and Creality's dual Z axis kit installed. Also had from day1 the yellow springs installed.
First days, I had the stock 3v2 with the CR touch and the yellow springs installed. I was using stock Creality's Firmware. I had some issues to level my bed, but after many tries, I did manually level my bed and had no problem.

After I installed the Sprite Pro and the dual Z axis, I had a nightmare! Then I decided to move to mriscoc Professional Firmware (T13 version for 300 oC Hotend), and after some try&error, managed to zero XY Coordinates and adjust the Z Offset.
I used the built-in Bed Tramming and noticed that I had different results using manual adjustment than using CR Touch. CR Touch gave me some errors.

So, using CR Touch I had the same behavior like you: the skirt was not sticking on the bed, like you. Here what I did to solve it:
- I re-level the bed, using bed tramming (CR Touch) having Bed Temp @60 oC for 15-20 minutes (Very important if you are using Glass Bed)
- I had a 5X5 UBL mesh level (saved in Slot 0)
- I cleaned the glass bed (helped a lot!) with isoprol alcohol (or just wash it)
- I add this to Cura slicer under Printers -> Machine Settings -> Start Gcode
G28 ; Home all axes
G29 L0; load mesh saved in slot 0
G29 A; activate UBL
G29 J; tilt mesh after a three point probe

After that, NO Bed Leveling Problems anymore! I had a perfect level in every print.

Before that, I was ready to through away my printer or I was thinking that my yellow springs were bad and I was ready to replace them. Btw, I think I had better results and more easy with the original E3v2 hotend than with Sprite Pro. Many issues with Sprite pro...


Make sure the bed is perfectly level manually first, when you mount cr touch distance betveen nozle and probe must be 4mm +/- 0, 01mm, then adjust offset of the nozle, save setting, then test print 4 or 5 square 200x200, 150x150, 100x100, 50x50 if is all ok, if not you have warped, deformed bed, you must print skirt then your model, english is not my first language


Try adjusting the Z offset WHILE it’s printing. Took me forever to figure that out, but it solves my problem which sounds a lot like this.


i use bltouch and have similar problem, i use octoprint and test bltouch then i discover that bed is varped on one place, like is hole in that place, use software for testing touch probe, build temperature tower, you must tweak seting then wrote on paper seting, and filament manufacture, i olweys put temperature set 10 celsius more then on recomendend tempertature, on this way i speed up heathing bed and nozle i have olso independent heat meter, i use him for inthependent mesure processor temp, my filament is good and stick for bed.


i know this is an old video but i had a simnilar problem and think it could be due to over tightening your rollers if you have adjusted them seems that over tightening them will put some extra stress on the frame and cause it to be out of square.. ( just my guess but the issue was fixed when i relaxed my rollers a bit


Make sure the bed is perfectly level manually first. The probe will help so you don’t have to keep leveling manually every couple prints.


change firmware to 25 points. plus your z offset is wrong the paper should not be jamed like that. adjust first layer height, flow rate for first layer and change extrusion width. 9 point for bed like this is not enough


My conclusion is that the CRtouch is garbage.


Yea, get the frailty bed springs, otherwise the z offset will change every time. That’s what happened to me. The stings fixed everything.


I'm having the same exact problem, but even worse. It made my nozzle almost burn a hole through my magnetic bed sheet! Good luck, I hope someone is able to provide a solution! I'll comment back if I figure it out


Your crtouch leveled to the bed, and then you ADDED the paper thickness, so the nozzle is like 0.02 high. Try having the probe hit the paper, then drop your nozzle to get a proper offset. Hope that helps. I realize this is a 7mo old video lol


Have you tried doing a manual level first then using the auto bed level. Also be sure to store the settings when doing an auto level.


In my case, what actually happened was it would print but it would only print the skirt in the entire machine will just seize up And if I look at Astro prints is my printer is disconnected. Sometimes it only moves about an inch before stopping. Who have thought this would have been such a hassle weren't supposed to make your life so much easier. It's so far all it's a sabotage my printer.


Same issue the bl touches z, 0 is different than what your 3d printers z, 0 so you have to adjust your z offset to you bl touches z, 0


The bed has to be leveled manually. - you need to do this about every 100 hours of print or until prints go bad. The CR Touch will only adjust the bed so much.
Your flow rate is too low. you need to increase the amount of filament.
Basically the new firmware doesnt come with any preset values so you need to configure this yourself.


Ive had issues since the CR touch, too.


Did you Try adjust offset with paper sheet?


More probing spots in the mesh help me out with the situation. Find firmware that does a 5 x 5 mesh.


brudda you don't use the bl touch firmware for the cr touch.
