4 Month Postpartum Update

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For all the details of Baby Chad's Nursery, visit my blog:

Maternity Photo Shoot

Birth of Our Son

2 Month Postpartum Update

Watch Our Weekly Married Life & Pregnancy Vlogs

★ INSTAGRAM: gabeflowers

The Gabe Fix (GabeFlowers)
PO BOX 1568
Savannah, TN 38372

★ Recorded with Canon T4i
★ Edited with iMovie '11

**Lipgloss: NYC Liquid Lip Shine Prospect Pink

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Awww, look at baby Ceej! I love looking back at the older vids. He's such a big boy now and still just as cute!


Cute baby. and to the people confused about how light he is: many babies that are black, even non mixed ones, are very light as babies but they'll get darker as they get older.


He seems advanced in his development for only four months, very coordinated. Babies are so fun during that stage development when they are able to do and interact more, but still not walking and running around yet to where you are having to chase after them.


This is a postpartum baby video. Why all the racial and skin color comments? Race has NOTHING to do with the content of this video. He's mixed race... SO WHAT?! Is this the FIRST time you've all seen a biracial child?


My son is 3 months so watching your little one makes me smile:) 2 weeks after I returned to work, I quit my job and pulled him out of daycare. I definitely agree, I love staying home with him


It's okay, some people are just ignorant. Unfortunately, I get racist comments on all of my videos but would never stop making them because of that. It wouldn't be fair to all the positive people who watch ;-)


I get so excited when new mommies deceide to stay at home with their babies, I get all teary eyed, clapping and say good you for you, thats wonderful.


Glad you can stay home with Baby Chad. As a mother of three, I only had a few months home with each of them and I enjoyed it. I am always happy when a mother gets to stay home with her child/children. One of the best decisions you could have made for him. Happy for you!


It's so funny how he looks like you but is pale like his daddy he is gorgeous lol


Hi there, just wanted to tell you that I really enjoy the snippets of your lives that you share. It's refreshing to see a new mother who's not acting over the top, who is not complaining about what hard work it is to have a baby and being glad when someone else takes over. It's great to see the level of respect and support that you have for your husband and that he has for you even if you don't agree with each other at times. You are a breath of fresh air. Baby Chad is ADORABLE! Too cute!!


Thank you! Maybe by itself but there's no sadness with all the white furniture and yellow accents. The room stays very bright.


Oh my he's SO You are too Gabe :D


He is five now! Still a gem and now he has a baby sister, Reagan! Awaiting her first photos in minute now, she is three days old! Finally here! Congrats to the Rader Family! 💚💚💚


I don't know why I like your videos so much. I have been learning a lot about babies these days. I don't know when I will be a mother, but I feel prepared. I just want to thank you. xxx


I was wondering about that DVD, in glad I can preview it. I'll have to check it out now. Thanks for letting me know!


To all you people questioning whether this is her baby, the baby IS hers. Her husband is white so the baby just happens to of favored him more then her. Biracial children do not always come out dark in color. Also, since her kid is young her babies color is not at the final stage. Her baby can still get darker but even if he doesn't its very obvious the child is biracial. Im so surprised at the amount of ignorant comments. Obviously if she is doing a postpartum video the baby is hers.


I just saw your vid of how u & your husband met & the proposal. U r so lucky to have him. He is head over heels in love w/& deeply devoted & loyal to u. He is a 1 woman man w/u Gabe. Your baby boy is healthy & strong. U r so fortunate. Please don't hurt him & your children. Stay good 4ever.


Lol, hey you gotta do what you gotta do...I completely understand that. I've heard of the Milky but I'm not sure if I'm going to try it or not. I have to do a little more research on it.


Staying at home with your baby is amazing ....you get to watch all your Lil ones milestones .... I'm a stay at home mom and I love it


I could tell an increase in my appetite early on but not so much now. I just made sure I stayed active to counteract the eating. I'm thinking about doing a video on the clean eating soon.
