Generate Alphanumeric Password in JAVA and Selenium | Random | Interview Question|Real time Example

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Real Time Scenario:
Enter the Alphanumeric Password:
8 or more characters
It is a combination of characters and numbers. The combination of characters,numbers and special Characters are mainly useful
to generate the strong password.
ASCII Characters:
In order to generate the alphanumeric password the ASCII characters and the corresponding decimal numbers are required to know:
Decimal Number : Character
65-90 A-Z
33-47 Special Characters : [!,",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,-,.,/]
So our objective is to generate the random number and convert into the corresponding characters.
Github Link:
Enter the Alphanumeric Password:
8 or more characters
It is a combination of characters and numbers. The combination of characters,numbers and special Characters are mainly useful
to generate the strong password.
ASCII Characters:
In order to generate the alphanumeric password the ASCII characters and the corresponding decimal numbers are required to know:
Decimal Number : Character
65-90 A-Z
33-47 Special Characters : [!,",#,$,%,&,',(,),*,+,-,.,/]
So our objective is to generate the random number and convert into the corresponding characters.
Github Link:
Generate Alphanumeric Password in JAVA and Selenium | Random | Interview Question|Real time Example
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