Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) EXPLAINED | MRI Physics Course Lecture 13

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Echo Planar Imaging… A family of sequences so fast and complex they should be illegal. This lecture is likely going to make a confusing topic even more confusing but at least it will have visuals attempting to show how this insanely challenging yet awesome MRI pulse sequence technique works. We’re going to use all the tools we’ve learned up until this point so sit down, buckle in, and get ready to learn all about the Ferrari of MRI pulse sequences. This is MRI Physics Explained - Echo Planar Imaging.

00:00-02:04 Intro/Recap
02:04-03:26 Goal
03:26-07:52 The Echo Planar Sequence
07:52-09:37 Echo Planar Imaging
09:37-11:22 Examples
11:22-12:35 Outro

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Рекомендации по теме

My only regret is not starting my MRI training later so that I have all your videos to watch. You're a legend!
