Using eBay Coupon Codes To Increase Sales - Here’s What I’m Doing!

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Using eBay Coupon Codes To Increase Sales - Here’s What I’m Doing!

In this video I discuss how I use ebay’s coupon feature to help boost sales. I wasn’t doing very well with coupons until I tried this.

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The lock liar can still do an INAD or credit card charge back. The world favors liars now.


If you use this method, you will see big increase in sales. 1. End and relist item, when you relist old item, the ebay will create new item number for that item and it will treat it as if it was new. If you item doesn't sell within 30 to 60 days, ebay will HIDE your old listing b/c it won't sell. 2. Do trending promotion 1%~3%, not fix rate promotion 3. Use promotion manager (aka promotion discount) 4. Try to list new item frequently.... If you do all four steps, your sales should increase at least 50%~100%. The important thing is that you have to list quality item


Hey there. Would like to talk to you about some experiences I have had as well if possible. I'm in Australia. Thanks. Wasnt sure how else to message you directly.


Thank you for giving us this information on the coupon codes …my question is if you do the codes like you did where it shows up on top like you did your 5% …how does that affect if you send out offers ???
does it add another 5% discount on top of the offer you send ???
or is it Noll and void if you sent out an offer???
I hope my question isn’t confusing sometimes I kind of write things weird LOL…


You are lucky you got the right ebay rep. I have had similar things happen and was told the customer has the right to their opinion. As for coupons, I tried the ones you send to buyers and same results as you. Think I will try the public coupon. Can't hurt.


There's a real problem w/ the public coupon code: when active on my listings it wipes out buyer visibility of volume markdown discounts so I can't feasibly use it. I do throw private coupons inside the box but will never put on outside of package because that might make them save the packaging, hence making it easier for them to return.


As to your key/lock story….whenever I have an imperfect item I don’t send it until I get confirmation from buyer that they understand and find it acceptable. No answer from buyer leads me to cancelling the purchase. I realize people don’t read listings…it’s the only solution I’ve come up with.


I stopped offering coupons because too many customers wanted to use two discounts on a single purchase. Offering 5 or 10% usually doesn't get me anything; I have to offer 35 to 50%. So you can see how using two discounts on the same purchase is a disaster for me as the seller. I also have to go to some trouble to give the customer both discounts when the system won't work with it.


I have tried the private coupons for about 3 months. Only 1 sale from that. Same as you. I have even tried putting the coupon code inside the listing in the description. 20% off. Still no luck. Perhaps I'll try public coupons.


I like to read comments when I have time. It seems like half the folks have increased traffic and sales lately and half have experienced a decline. Hmmm. Interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience with coupons. I don't know if I'll try them. Right now I personally find them just a source of visual clutter that fails to grab my attention anyway. Just me.


I have been thinking about using the coupon. My last two sales were terrible. The day after my sales ended was better. I've never had that happen before. I'm willing to try everything I can to boost my sales. Thanks for all of your advice. Tina from NC


ebays traffic has also gone up by 50 percent id say now that its cold and people are christmas shopping. also shortages in retail will increase any product movement on ebay.


Great video! I’m going to try the public coupon today


Didn't realize the public coupon generated a banner on your ads....will have to give it a try. Glad you got a fair outcome to the feedback, that's always such a dice roll even when it's obvious. Thanks for the info, helpful as usual. Appreciate ya!


Well done on dealing with that feedback I have had it 3 times but ignored it but I feel I cud take it on now thank you from England


Should I be happy that someone is dropping shipping through me on eBay? I actually found their listing on Etsy and they are charging double the price as what I do and they have already purchased 60+ orders from me.


Jon, I had a similar situation recently. This lady said she didn't get the ABC magnets for her bus (it was a LeapFrog learning magnet bus). When it was clearly stated in the title and description that it's the bus only and does not come with any letters. I contacted her and told her it clearly stated in the description and in the title what you receive. She went on to tell me no it doesn't. I even took a screenshot of the page and underlined it in red and she still said no. She then went on to grasp at straws and say it says ABC in the title. I had to then educate this lady on what a product item title is. As that was the actual name of the item. She said again no it doesn't say anywhere that you only get the bus and no letters. So she said I want to return it and asked me like 4 times in 4 different responses how to return it. I finally told her you're welcome to return it but you will have to pay return shipping and directed her to contact eBay or read their help documents on how to return an item as I don't work for eBay. I just sell here. She's been with eBay since 99' according to her profile. So she opened a return and selected of course "missing items". So she wouldn't have to pay shipping. I didn't accept the return and again made that documentation in the that return case. Attached the photo of the page description. I waited the allocated time before eBay would step in so she had to wait longer to return it. I accepted the return. She eventually did send the item and should be back here Monday. So I will be refunding her the 50% I am entitled to. It's a shame people are like this and I always remind them and end the conversation with, "The next time you are trying to make an honest living and you get stiffed, that you remember this transaction.".


I have tried public coupons, did nothing for me. At one point last year, I offered a 20% discount on my business cards, which are included with every package, for the buyer's next purchase. Crickets. I offer volume pricing, multi quantity shipping discounts, run regular sales, and have best offer on most of my listings. That helps somewhat, though I also sell largely one offs, so repeat buyers are rare for me.


I have found when I am selling an item with a major flaw or part missing, I put something in the title to make the buyer aware of it. "Cracked" "Defect" "See picture" etc.
Since the app is the primary search tool the presentation is somewhat different than the desktop version.
Scroll down to the description on the app. The incomplete description has a link to show the entire description. That is where I usually mention the defect or missing part. Some buyers do not click to see the rest of the story. Usually when I respond that I disclosed everything they reply with ignorance to seeing full disclosure. More buyers are finding our items through a Google search and may not be familiar with ebay and don't invest the time to find our full description.