Dowsing | Journey Proud (Full Episode)

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Dowsing is a traditional method of finding water and other objects underground. Using a forked stick or two metal rods, one walks over the ground hoping for a reaction from the instruments. Larry Smith of Tumbleton in Henry County gives us a crash course on the use of dowsing rods and we find out that one can find more than water using this technique.
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I used to be a pipe fitter for a 11 years and every time I see these get pulled out I’m always amazed lol just so cool !! This planet 🌎 is so amazing! Love science!!


Just got my rods yesterday and THEY IMMEDIATELY WORKED! Was so nervous they wouldn't. My husband thought I was manipulating them so I took his wedding ring and hid it in a coat pocket and had him stay in the bathroom while I hid it. First time being in his hands and they led him right to it. He kept shaking the coat and I put it in the pocket. IT ANSWERS YES OR NO QUESTIONS!!! Sorry just really excited about them and I still want to learn all I can with them.


I have dosing/devining rods and am in contact with my mother who died in 1970. She has answered so many personal questions correctly I have no doubt of it. She is simply amazing. I don't know how she gets it to interact with these but xhe does. She hates my purple-blue hair. Wore corsets when she was alive. Said they were painful.
She saw Glen Miller, and Tommy Dorsey.
Told me her correct brand of cigarettes, the color of her swimsuit, color of her evening gown and much more.
She points to people from the ends of the rods. Points to my dog Lillie. The rods blow me way!


I wish there were more like Mr t. Larry Smith. What a kind man very endearing. ✌️💙🇺🇸


“I might put y’all on the payroll.”

Great video! I loved it.


Great info, I have tried Dowsing and quite surprised that it would tell different trees, also it would point out my wife's car or mine, also I was able to tell the depth on a gas line, must keep trying with different things, it works but hard to believe.


Amazing. I've tried with water. It works amazingly.


I have dowsed for years now, and I have been able to find those things for which I have dowsed. For those who have not been able to or had this ability, I have had other dowsers tell me that it can be an imparted gift by a dowser. One can lay hands on (so to speak), and the person that could not dowse (Devine…whatever you want to call it) was then able to do it. Watching this episode, it was kind of like watching a dowser be able to impart the gift onto another.


Good video! As a utility locator we use these rods to give an idea of what's around us before we break out our main equipment. 👍


My grandmother found water back in 60’s using dowsing switches. I water in 2011 on my property at a depth of 180 and my well produces 75 homes. I can’t explain it but I know it works.


Love mr Larry smiths home 🏡 it’s so beautiful


If you’re interested in this stuff, don’t get hooked into spending much money. Just go to a welding supply store or Tractor Supply, and buy two 1/8” brass welding rods. They’re about 36” long. Measure about 6” on one end and take a pair of pliers and make 90 degree bend on each rod. I leave mine long but you can decide what length you like. I always have at least one set in my truck, and usually a second pair. I’ve given several out over the last 40 something years. Have confidence and practice. You’ll feel them turning. They work for some people and not others. You’ll get some weird looks from people but ignore them.


I also am a dowser and it's amazing


so how to ask questions to dowsing treasure hidden by other people


I want to try these very much. They say they wont work for some people and I'm hoping I will be one of the ones they work for.


I bought one and went to the ocean and it pointed in the opposite direction away from the ocean.


hello, did you either put material inside so that the bars do not fall into metal or mineral? Or do you use holding techniques that save them from them? Are there any samples in it to find valuable? Bars for metal for space give different results, can you read those shapes? Do some research or you will never succeed.


My parents both water witcher property, always found water IFit was there. My 97 year old cousin passed on the gift to me years back.
I have 3 ft copper rods. Once dowsed a very old Catholic
clergy cemetery, many graves were misidentified (gender)

It freaks people out to see me dowse.

I once had a care nurse in my house, broke out my rods to demonstrate. The HE was a SHE and that nurse never came back.
Can’t fool the rods 😎


So we in 21st century still believing in 13th century believing? Wtf?
