Part 1 | Truth about Oneness Theology - Steven Ritchie

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This video is an excerpt from the debate video of the late Oneness Apologist Bro. Steven Ritchie.

This debate was held on Long Island, New York, between Pastor Bruce Bennett who affirms Trinitarian
Theology and Pastor Steve Ritchie who affirms Oneness Pentecostal Theology.

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I knew Pastor Steve Richie personally and highly respected him as a brother in the faith for about five years prior to his passing, and we talked a lot. I was part of the old Global Impact Ministry staff before the new pastors replaced us with themselves after his death. He was a very loving father, studious and cared for people, especially so for those in the Philippines. He had a heart to see many souls saved there, and lived there for some time with his family. I also greatly miss him, and wanted to see his healing which he so desired to come about and believed in to happen. However, I knew from God that he was going to pass and not recover. I would recommend to everyone that they would read his books, study about the Godhead and baptism issues, and for all to stay strong in the faith. R.I.P.


Awesome defense of the Oneness of God by bro. Ritchie. I really miss him and thank God for his stance all the way to his going with Christ. We had a few differences, but we both believed that Jesus was and is God. Not a second person, but the visible image of the invisible God.


I miss Ptr Steve Richie

My favorite oneness defenders are only Ptr David Bernard Ptr Richie


Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men (Tertullian's Pagan trinity), after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
And ye are complete in him, which is ((The Head)) of all principality and power.
Colossians 2:8-10.


For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;
John 5:26 KJV


It wasn’t so much about the debates, Richie delivered…The Word of God, God revealed himself in the MAN Jesus Christ!!!


I just want to know how can Ritchie say that Jesus the Son isnt the Father but at the same time say that Jesus is God yet at the same time say there is only one divine person? If Jesus ascended and sat down at the right hand of the Father then that would mean Jesus after his ascension is not a person or Jesus is not God or you have more then one Divine person. The whole theology doesnt add up at all and thats not even getting into Why Jesus must have pre-existed in order for lots of other verses to make sense. Most Oneness people realize this and thats why they Teach that Jesus was the Father literally but that makes even less sense In the context of Scripture so perhaps Ritchie realized that still that leaves you with more then one divine person then


Didn't see eye to eye with Mr. Ritchie on his religiosity AND, he was a gentleman & a genuinely decent person. God bless him, I look forward to seeing him some day


The only God is our Lord's God, the God and Father of Jesus our Lord..


Sad to see that some people still believe in the 3 gods of man-made trinity = god the father, god the son, god the spirit .... Shame on some people, for God is ONE, not 3 = Revelation 1:8 KJV... Because no Man can see God and live, God made human body for himself - Philippians 2:7-10... That's why He made this World, and the World know him not - John 1:10 KJV... He named himself Jesus - Matthew 1:21, laid down his life for us - (John 10:18), and rise up that human body - John 2:19-21... Even the devils believe, that there is ONE God, and tremble - James 2:19... Shame on some people, for they have been spoiled through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of Tertullian's Pagan trinity - Colossians 2:8 KJV.... S H A M E ... Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man can say that Jesus is THE LORD, but by the Holy Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12:3... THE LORD = Deuteronomy 6:4-9 KJV... I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior - Isaiah 43:11 = Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Savior is born of God - 1 John 5... Christ means Savior in English - Savior means Messiah in Hebrew.. Isaiah 43:11 and 1 John 5 are one and the For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord - Luke 2:11 ....NOT anointed one, but Saviour ! And so, how can Jesus be the Father - is because Jesus was in heaven and on earth at the same time - John 3:13, in John 14:7 Jesus told them that all of them have seen the


I got the hebrews 1:3 revelation last year and trust me I've only heard 1 trinitarian skim over that verse to explain why jesus the man is made in the likeness of the fathers person and not the supposed 2nd person of the godhead person...its crazy that this verse exists and it doesnt have the attention that it deserves...the only verse that directly speaks to a person in the godhead...I pray all trinitarians will open their eyes


We have a Relationship with The Father because of Jesus, Jesus is The One True God in The Flesh, we know Him as He is, A Man sent from God.


A man who enters into a debate is satisfying his flesh. Walking in the flesh and not the spirit.


If there's only "one God, the Father" (2:21)
And if the man Christ Jesus is "God as a man" (2:47)
Then the man Christ Jesus is *_the Father_* as a man
Which means that *_the Father_* as a man died on the cross.

Do Oneness advocates believe that *_the Father_* as a man *died on the cross?*


This man fundamentally misunderstands trinitarian doctrine.


How can you be a defender of oneness, and then baptizes people in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. This is real contradiction and real confusion.
No one in the scripture ever got baptize in the name of the father, son and holy spirit.
The name of the his father, son and holy spirit is The lord Jesus or Jesus christ.
When the desciples went into the field, they baptize people in the name of the lord Jesus and in the name of Jesus christ.
The scriptures says, whatsoever you do in words or in deeds, do all in the name of the lord Jesus.
God is a Holy Spirit and His name is THE LORD JESUS AND CHRIST HIS TITLE.
The son of Mery inherited the excellent name of the Holy Spirit, who is the God of all creation and also the Father of all Mankind.


If "the Father" is God AND "the Son" is God AND "the Holy Spirit" is God, then it logically follows that there ARE 3 Gods; if "the Father" is God and "the Son" is God, then there ARE 2 Gods. One is "Tritheism", the belief in 3 God; the other is "Bitheism", the belief in 2 Gods.

However, since EVERY Christian, who KNOWS the Scriptures, can ONLY READ of 1 God in throughout the Scriptures, the denominational "theologians" find themselves in a quandry. HOW can they vindicate their polytheistic views against the monotheistic view of Scripture. The answer is Simple. Convince the people with Hocus Pocus Hypnotism by REPETITIVELY using language which is CONTRADICTORY to all the senses. By CONSTANT REPETITION the hearers will be lulled into ACCEPTING (not necessarily understanding) the TEACHINGS. As a child, raised a Roman Catholic, I was REPEATEDLY told, "God is 3 Persons in 1 Being", which begged the question, "How can 3 persons be 1 being or vice versa?" I, even as a child UNDERSTOOD, through common language, that there was COBTRADICTION in the teaching, however I ACCEPTED it as True, not through common language but through Hypnotic Language.

Now, if "the Father" ALONE is God then that is "Monotheism", that which is TAUGHTBin Scripture WITHOUT Hypnotism and its use of CONTRADICTORY Language. Jesus, with regard to WHO and HOW MANY, without Hypnotic Language, clearl tells us that "the Father" is the "ONLY TRUE God". Can Language be more clear? Oneness would have us believe that "what Jesus MEANT" was (hypnotic language) that "God AS the Father is the only true God". That my friends is a total CONTRADICTION as to what Jesus actually said. Neither Jesus nor any other Author of Scripture ever uses the hypnotic word "AS" to identify God. The hypnotic word used in Catholicism is "Mystery".

Take the word "AS" out of the Oneness doctrine and it falls apart. There is no "AS" anything in Scripture with respect to the identity of God and Jesus.

So, according to the PLAIN Language of Scripture, from any translatiin of Scripture, God is 1 supreme being, the Father of our Lord, the Man Christ Jesus. Translators have had a hard time with certain phrases which supposedly identify Jesus as being "God" because of the Repetitively Hypnotic "church" language used since the 4th Centurt when Catholicism gained a foothold on Christianity. The Language of "Catholicism" has not been completely eradicated by "Protestantism". The Translators STILL translate the Scriptures with a Cathokic SLANT to make Jesus into a so called "divine being", i. e., an eternal someone who TRANSFORMED himself into a Human Being. Such Hypnotic Suoerstitious Language was already in use by the Ancient Pagan Shamans. Their "power" was in their "CONTRADICTORY WORDS" which mesmerized the people into ACCEPTING their INSANE Teachings.

To WHOM are we as Christians instructed to pray? God? No! To Jesus? No! We are instructed to "pray to the Father". Why the "Father"? Because HE IS God ALONE and no one else. Jesus, according to the plain sense of Scripture, is NOW, the Man who is sitting at the right hand of God, his Father. That Man will come again into the World to judge the World in Righteousness. The Father will SEND him back again and he will reign on Earth until he has put down all rebellion against God Who is in Heaven.

God empowers Jesus to do everything. The powers Jesus had while on Earth were NOT HIS innately; he could not have performed any of his miracles without his Father empowering him. If he had been a God Man, a Supreme Being, he would not have needed any power FROM God the Father.

The clear and plain language of Scripture tells us that there has always been just 1 God, whose Name is YHWH. This Singular Being BEGOT a human son through the NORMAL human procreative process, as Matthew AND Luke attest. Neither Matthew nor Luke attest to a so called "Incarnation of an eternal supreme being" as the "Catholics" have taught since the 4th Century. They only attest to YHWH God having miraculously (via His holy power) PROVIDED Mary with a human male "seed" which COMBINED with her female "ovum" to CONCEIVE the child. No mention is made of "God came down, from thousands and thousands of miles FROM Heaven, to Earth and TRANSFORMED Himself into a Human Embryo in the womb of a virgin." If TRANSFORMATION had been the case then there would have been no need for a "virgin" or even a woman for that matter. Common sense would dictate that God, being Almighty, would have just TRANSFORMED Himself into a full grown 30 year old Jewish Man with all of the credentials of being God.

The virgin CONCEPTION tells us HOW God BEGOT a human son. He used His own natural human procreative Laws which He Himself instigated from the beginning. A living male "seed" combines with a living female "seed" INSIDE the womb to FORM a living human child. That process CANNOT form a half god half man. (Nix the Angels having sex with the daughters of Men theory) Like produces like; God cannot PRODUCE Himself, i.e., make or beget another God nor TRANSFORM Himself, i.e., become another TYPE of being. He has been, is, and always will be the SAME. No "AS".


how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree: him God raised up the third day, and shewed him openly; not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.
Acts 10:38‭-‬42 KJV


The Lord Jesus Christ is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit:
JOHN 12:45 JESUS SAID, “AND HE WHO SEES ME SEES HIM THAT SENT ME.” Jesus meant: And he who sees Me sees The Father who sent Me.(Jesus Christ is The Father who sent Himself). Since God is The Spirit(John 4:24) then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three Biggest Liars).
John 14:9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” (Since Jesus Christ claimed to be The Father and since God is The Spirit(John 4:24) then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three Biggest Liars).
John 10:30 Jesus said, “I and My Father are one.”(Since Jesus Christ claimed to to be The Father and since God is The Spirit(John 4:24)then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three Biggest Liars).
John 8:24 Jesus said, “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He(The Father), you will die in your sins."(Since Jesus Christ claimed to be The Father and God is The Spirit (John 4:24) then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three biggest Liars).
1 John 5:7 Says, “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.”(Since Jesus Christ is The Word(John 1:14) and Since Jesus Christ claimed to be The Father(John 14:9)and since God is The Spirit(John 4:24), then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three biggest Liars).
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD WHO HAS THREE TITLES SUCH: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and their personal name is Jesus as follow:
(1). The personal name of the Father is Jesus according to John 17:11.
(2). The personal name of the Son is Jesus according to John 17:11-12 and John 5:43.
(3). The personal name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus according to Revelation 3:6, 13 and 22.(According to 3 lists above: Jesus Christ is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am The First and I am The Last; Besides Me there is no God. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.”(Isaiah 44:6-8; Revelation 22:13). If you do not believe all the scriptures above then you’re surely blind physically and spiritually and devil is laughing at you to scorn you without fear because you do not believe the one True God, Jesus Christ, The Everlasting Father. Jesus Christ said, “Besides Me there is no God.”(Isaiah 44:6-8; Revelation 22:13.


Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
Hebrews 7:25
Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
2 John 1:9 KJV
