Jim Carrey: Shocking Faith Testimony 'Suffering Leads to Salvation' (Video Review)

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God chose you first. He created you for Himself. He died for you even when you did not deserve it. God chose you so you would want to chose Him. He made you perfect from the womb. Sculpted you. Molded you into the person you are today. We chose Him because He first chose us. His promises are sure. His word always comes to pass. Who chose who first. He did. He is always there. Even when you do not know or see. He is the Father we never had. He protects you for no reason. He sustains you when you have no one. He keeps you from the destruction of yourself when you let Him. He loved you first before you could love. Because He loves us so completely without end. We love Him. This is our Father. This is our God. This is our Love.


So we can’t judge his destination or his heart. I do believe Jim has been part of a patriot movement who are fighting against evil in the spiritual and physical realm!


This is nice to see, thank you for sharing


I pray he will receive Jesus as God and savior.


he says about 2 gate/ choices... Choice A or choice B, Gate of forgiveness, which brings... He sounds quite accurate and sincere, but he referred it being likened to Jesus suffering, but he did not say Jesus was the way and that Jesus will save you from sin... He is Preaching "a version of the truth" but there is only 1 truth. Jesus is the only way, no matter how much we suffer, that cannot save us or set us free from sin, and it is sin that keeps us separated from a Holy God. We need Jesus who has understanding of our pain, and suffered for us, to bridge the gap and trade places with us, but we need to repent.


Whether he's born again, I agree with you. We don't know for sure. But I guess the positive we can take from it is that he didn't mock Jesus, he didn't accuse Jesus of being a myth. Also he did bring Jesus up as if he believed He were real. He mentioned a lot of the right words, grace, salvation, forgiveness, the cross. I would be curious to know in what setting he made these comments. He called one man "Father, " so was this a Catholic or Greek Orthodox setting?


We all need ישוע and the guidance of יהוה in Him. We need רוח הקדש (Holy Spirit) to be saved. No one can say, whit out asking him how he is, does he have faith in Yeshua.


Sometimes God will knock you on your back so you will look up!


II don't listen to Scientologists


Carrey has a lot to turn around his heart on. I’ll never forget him doing “art” of supreme court justices getting aborted as a response to them overturning roe v wade


Jesus already answered those questions . If fact the Bible has answered Every question that a person can possibly have in relation to life. For example
What is life, what is the meaning of life?
Answer- Jesus, the maker and givet of life said.. John 17 vs 3 And this is life (or purpose for Life) to know God and His son Jesus
Christ whom He sent.

Life is Jesus christ, Our mighty redemmer said I am Life, the way and the truth
John 14v6

2. Who chooses who
Our Lord and God, Eternal King said.. John 15v 16 You did not choose me but I choose you. So it is God who chooses us and not the other way round


Biblically the only way to salvation is through suffering. It is clear in what the Messiah went through to gain the salvation for you.


Mask Dumb and Dumber Ace Ventura.... but I like all.
All those who have Christ within are on the right path, but we are not at the gate yet. He says MANY are called, but only a FEW are chosen. Why is this if we all believe in Christ? Because my friends, many do not obey Him. He also says to the MANY Christians who thought they were saved... " I do not know you". Something to think about.
