ADHD through an evolutionary lens (from Livestream Q&A #92)

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Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.
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I aced everything in school, and even I dropped out at 16 because of boredom, I was definitely despised by most of my teachers for being stubborn, if I was a child today I'd be diagnosed with defiance disorder, hyperactive disorder, attention disorder and Autism Spectrum disorder,
Disorders that caused problems in school but served as assets as a 16 year old in the construction industry, I had more energy than my piers, I stood unmoving on my own principles and was capable of working hard fast and smart enough to read plans and calculate measurement accurately in order to build amazing things. I've found that what they consider to be disorders are actually abilities if they are utilised productively.


As a Paramedic on emergency scenes ADHD was a gift


I've run auto repair shops my whole life, if there was no such thing as ADHD nobody would have 1 good mechanic in your neighborhood! People have no idea how smart you need to be to be successful good mechanic, Like Brett said some people need to be moving, similar to a great white shark 😄😄


I figure ADHD is a group adaptation. It's beneficial to the group to have a few members who aren't *too* focused on gathering food or what not to watch out for predators and/or discover new sources of food/water because they are curious, wander, and get distracted more easily.


I was diagnosed with adhd late in life. It’s a neurological deficiency in the part of the brain that makes/ uses the happy chemicals[ dopamine <—(main culprit), serotonin, oxytocin, endorphin]. Turns out your brain uses those for a wide range of normal second to second behaviors that I think most people would never realize. The big one(as I understand it) ends up being memory when you follow the chain of effects the deficiency causes. Especially short term memory. That’s why people with adhd seem to not be able to pay attention unless they are being stimulated by something that either interests or scares or excites them. It’s a remnant of being in the wild and having to constantly be wary of your surroundings. It stuck around because it’s useful


One of the most insightful things I've ever heard on the topic of ADD/ADHD was by Dr. Russell Barklely who said that the singular distinction or feature is an inability to organize across time. I felt understood in a way that has been rare for me. Thanks to both Heather and Brett for their time and efforts in these videos together. I would have enjoyed them as profs if I had been able to navigate school better.


We should talk about how dangerous it is that we are misdiagnosing a good deal of children with ADHD and pumping them full of amphetamines and then when they become impulsive and disruptive they blame it on the ADHD and not the tweaking kids they've created. Even those with ADHD would be better off on something else. In my experience caffeine (yes it sounds crazy) can be very relaxing I don't like coffee or pop much but an occasional Jamocha shake from arby's is like a chill pill and I think we should look into it. Thanks for the brave work you guys do.


My entire life I thought I had ADD, then one day I realized I just don’t like things that suck.


In high school, I struggled with algebra, and it took some effort for me to pass with an adequate grade. At the time, I just assumed I was “dumb” and focused on amplifying my non-mathematic aptitudes. In college, a mathematics professor introduced the class to a quick algebra refresher. Instead of letters to represent the values, he used shapes; a circle, square and triangle. It was if a Rosetta Stone was placed before me! I understood the formulas and the position of the various unknown values relative to each other. I came to understand that in high school I must have been subconsciously trying to “read” the formulas using the letters and becoming frustrated at the non-sensical meaning.


ADHD is a real and serious condition. Destroys families in many cases. The people that suffer from it, look so normal. Lots of good books on the subject that have helped some, but much too late in life. And there is not a cure for ADHD. You just have to keep loving the people that suffer from it the rest of your life.❤️


As someone with ADHD I talk often about it on my channel. I’m often bothered by the constant idea that firstly we are deficit. We do have challenges, especially within a rigid schooling structure (but so do boys in general regardless of diagnosis- is that’s part of why they have received a larger number of diagnoses than girls?)

But secondly, we seem to have this ability to focus immensely on one singular topic known as hyper focus. I’ve come across the hypothesis of a biological adaption regarding ancestral hunting. The ability to hyper focus made it easier to hunt for example.

Interesting idea to explore


I was undiagnosed as a child, as it wasn't really a thing in the late 70's. I struggle, to this day, with focus and organization. 🤪


I was blessed to have good friends who would correct my ADHD behavior when I was young. So no medication needed. School did suck but college was great. Just learned to study shorter periods and take classes that interact well.


Just remember that as recently as 40 years ago ADHD was medically diagnosed as "bad parenting" and the medication was your dad slapping you upside the head and telling you to knock it off.


I’m ADHD and also autistic. I don’t do well in a classroom because being around human beings puts me in a low-key state of constant amygdala hijack which basically means I’m stupider in the classroom than I am at home. I am also stupider if I have to do homework for a grade because it forces me to focus on getting it done in time and not on learning it. I stopped doing the homework for a grade (I did the homework I just made a point of not getting it done on time) and I found I did better on those problems when I took the test. I do better in classes where the whole grade is based on the test and I can choose whether to do the homework or not (and I even did well on tests when I had done none of the homework) but I do poorly on the test if I am graded on the homework so I have had to sacrifice homework points to save my test grade by deliberately not getting the homework done on time lest my brain be corrupted by the prospect of scoring homework points. Not that I will ever get to go to college again anyway without taking a shot that will give me panic attacks and factitious if not actual heart disorders...


Doctors have been trying to diagnose my son with ADHD since he was 4 years old! I refuse and we have changed doctors a few times for that reason. He is very smart and creative and I will not suppress that with medication. He is homescooled because he needs one on one instruction. Sitting at a desk for several hours is not an option for him. Many successful people, especially in my family, would have probably been diagnosed with ADHD as children. For the love of God let these kids be kids! They may do something amazing with all that creativity and energy some day.


I've always said that if your child can sit for hours playing video games they don't have ADHD. I was diagnosed with it in the 80s. Fortunately my art and music teachers went to bat for me telling the rest of the faculty that I just learned differently. I had several doctors tell my mother the same thing. She kept me away from any drugs. Turns out I've made a great career in both music and graphic art.


Almost every word in this podcast rang true for me, well done!


I built a retail career on ADD and OCD. They totally rock and roll in retail! And I was successful even with Amazon cutting into some of my market, because I can think more quickly and precisely. Also, I hope, because what my company offered was in the world's best interest.


I left my office job to bartend/ waitress 20 years ago and it was the best decision ever. Great job for managing adhd.
