Dave Ramsey's 'Envelope System' - How To Digitally Recreate It

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Homestead Launch is a real estate company focused exclusively on homesteads. We help people find homestead land for sale, build their own self sufficient homes, and then use permaculture principles to develop their property with grid-independent water sources, off grid solar kits, permaculture gardens and food forests, backyard chickens and other small livestock, and much more.

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This is even more relevant now because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the move towards cashless economies and the use digital wallets. You should update or re-post this video.


Great video! I have multiple prepaid cards and debit cards with little stickers on back of cards for each categories. I only carry the three main cards with me everyday (groceries, gas, dining out) and keep the other cards at home (medical co pay, gifts, etc).


The problem with this idea is that you can only do six transfers a month from each savings account. It may seem like a lot but it's really not if you're transferring consistently


I've already been using this system with my bank. It's waaay better than an envelope system. I currently have savings for my sons' swim classes, and vacations. Because I go to Bjs to get gas, I dont have a savings from there, It just comes out of my account. I've learned not to be literal about certain things and to focus on the mindset.


Awesome! Thanks Dan! My Family needs this in a major way. We get paid and it's like we are rich for 5 days ha ha. People say they live pay check to pay check. We live a week before pay check to pay check. We need this course bad!


you can also do this with digit, qapital, and simple Bank


I went through the same process - love the envelope method but was spending 1/2 of my Sat's managing all the cash (trips to the bank, stuffing envelopes, paying back envelopes) and found it a hassle. One of my local credit unions allows for many, many savings accounts and has no limit on transactions. I have 20 savings accounts - one for each budget category. My payroll check is deposited into my primary checking. I figured out my budget categories for the year for each category. For example: $40 haircut every 6 weeks = about 8 haircuts per year = $320/year. Divide that by 26 (number of paychecks) which equals $26 per paycheck. Therefore, every paycheck, $26 is transferred to the "Haircut" account. When it is time for a haircut, the cash is there. All budget categories get a transfer deposit with each pay check. Every other Saturday I reconcile everything by "paying back" my primary checking. If I overspend in a category, I put a freeze on that category until it is paid up. Every entry into my checkbook gets the budget category added with a box next to it to check off when it has been reconciled or paid back from the budget account. I pay a lot more attention to my cash and my cash flow by attending to the reconciles, etc. every 2 weeks. My rules: #1: I am honest with myself, #2 do not cheat by borrowing from other categories #3 re-evaluate as needed #4 Pay raises do not go into a category but into savings. Wish I had known all this in my 20s and 30s. Good luck!


Why not use a credit card with the cash envelopes? Every time you make a purchase with the cc get a receipt. Then when you get home just transfer the cash from the appropriate envelope to an envelope marked " credit card". The convenience and safety of credit card. While still using cash envelopes. No managing multiple online accounts.


Don't you have a cap on how may times you're allowed to remove funds from savings every month before they close your savings acct? I have a 360 acct and they give me a cap of 6 transfers a month.


essentially - "get this credit card that lets you do it - then buy my $27 course for me to tell you how"


I use YNAB, the categories in YNAB are akin to the envelopes in Dave Ramsey's system and I just have 1 checking and account and one savings account. Most of my money stays in the savings account where it can generate the most interest and a small amount goes into my checking account which has a single card. :)


I use Capital one 360. They do have physical atms in certain locations 👍🏽👍🏽..Awesome way to do it. I actually combined sinking funds. I couldn't stand looking at so many accounts. I deposit money once a month. 👍🏽👍🏽


Use Ynab. It is this idea but a lot simplier and everything is set up already. I have used it for over 3 years and I love it.


I wish I had seen this before I arranged to have multiple debit cards to use the DR envelope system using debit cards...and I have a Capital One credit card. Great idea!!!


That is cool. I do end with a lot of change. TFS


Don’t you have a limit a month of transfers?


Oh yeah. I do not like going to bank or ATM to withdraw money and I surely do not want to carry a ton of money on me either. I use every dollar to make a budget and I have a budget planner where I write transactions for each category I spend, but all my money stays in my checking account. I still know how much I have per my paper budget per category and it's so much easier.


I want to do this for my small business always keep money on me for using it and buying so I can track better. and pay my self out Important. adding cash and being able to see the change


I have been doing this with my Credit Union for about 2 years. I am afraid to carry around all that cash.


Can you only do this with a Capital One card or can this be done with other bank/cards?
