Book review by Jitkomut: Convex Optimization (Boyd & Vandenberghe)
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A 10-minute review (in Thai) on the book
S. Boyd, L. Vendenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge Press
Conclusion: The book provides the convex theory necessary for modeling convex problems in applications. There are several operations that preserve the convexity and learning the techniques from the book is useful for recognizing the convexity of the problems. The exercises are very challenging and capture many optimization problems in applications (estimation, control, machine learning, etc.)
S. Boyd, L. Vendenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge Press
Conclusion: The book provides the convex theory necessary for modeling convex problems in applications. There are several operations that preserve the convexity and learning the techniques from the book is useful for recognizing the convexity of the problems. The exercises are very challenging and capture many optimization problems in applications (estimation, control, machine learning, etc.)
Book review by Jitkomut: Convex Optimization (Boyd & Vandenberghe)
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Optimization problems: standard setting, equivalent problems
Ellipsoid in R^n and Gaussian confidence region
intersection of convex sets is convex
Duality part 1 : Lagrangian and dual function
Basic optimization concept: brief overview
Quadratic programming: equality-constrained QP, QCQP
Mixed Integer Programming MIP
New Book!!! Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control
Unconstrained optimization: overview, general form of algorithm, descent direction
Linear programming: sparse recovery, seperating two sets using hyperplane, existing algorithms
Essential considerations in algorithms
Derivative, Hessian and functions of matrices
Video Lesson - Optimization Problems Part 1