How Many HBOT Sessions Are REALLY Needed?

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Watch this video to discover how many HBOT sessions you need.

How many hyperbaric oxygen therapy sessions do you actually have to do in order to get the results you're looking for?

Or perhaps more important (or just as important, for sure) than the TOTAL number of sessions, how often should you dive?

Frequency is CRITICAL!

If your protocol is for 40 sessions, but you do them once a month for 40 months, for example, you’re not going to get the benefits you’re after.

So in this video we’re going to discuss how many sessions you need, as well as how the frequency plays a role in the effectiveness of the therapy.


You can get certified in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy! We've created a one-of-a-kind course for functional medicine practitioners and technicians that's accredited through IBUM.


✨To inquire about Hyperbaric Chamber Purchases and Rentals:


To learn more, visit our websites below:

📖Dr. Jason Sonner’s Book

📖Dr. Jason and Melissa Sonners' E-Books

💻HBOT USA Website :


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►► What's been your experience with HBOT? Have you seen results? Let me know in the comments!


11x1.5 hr for heavy persistent hematuria. Full recovery! Done in Belgium at the military hospital nearly free of charge as costs supported by the state medical insurance. Very grateful to my country.


I have had 13 2hr sessions. I had 70 greys of radiation for tonsil cancer and need to have a tooth in the radiation field pulled. I am a high risk for orn. Radiation left me with limited head movement and sagging neck. I now have almost full painless head/neck mobility and sagging skin is gone. I feel better than I have in years. Praying for successful oral surgery.


I am seeing great improvements with my severe vaccine injury in only eight sessions. I'm the most hopeful since I got sick two years ago. Thank you for all you do.


I have done 50 x2hr sessions and 25x1hr sessions. 2hr was very good to start with but hard to sustain.definitely feeling benefits after 2 yrs of long covid.


I've done 2 times 2 hours in the last 26 days, and I'm definitely feeling my health improving. HBOT is so powerful. I'll probably increase to 2 hours a week soon and possibly increase to even more depending on how much improvement I can notice. Even a session on its own can't be discarded. Every session has noticeable positive effects.


I have used Hyperbaric Oxygenation Treatment weekly for more than 35-years


I got osteomyelitis and therapy: soft chamber, 40 times spaced in 8 weeks, Mon to Fri 110 min. all together with 10 min down, 10 min break with normal air, 10 min up. So far so good.


Thank you Dr. we actually got certified through your program. Very informative and easy to understand.


You are excellent. I hope to share good news with you about my health soon.


Thank you.
Thank you.
God bless you


Hi, We are about to buy soft cell chamber for our 8-year-old autistic child. Should we buy 2.0Ata or 1.5 Ata also work. Advise will be highly appreciated.


Would there be any point in doing 5 treatments for a bulging disc? My insurance doesn’t cover it at all, and five treatments is going to cost about $1200. Would it be worth it and give a jumpstart on healing? Or would it be a waste of money if we couldn’t continue?


Hi Doctor, is there literature or website where I can look up different protocols?


Is it possible to perform HBOT at home...someone suggested me buying hbot


Keep ir simple do it once a week for 1.5 to 2 hours .. 52 weeks a year


Done 170 sessions blocks of 50 in a row each day then 2 weeks break. Still healing but defs getting there now. 1.5ata 90 minute session for first 150 now just doing 1.5ata for an hour aday


New subscriber here !! My doctor has suggested HBOT for me. Can you tell me the best way to find a reputable practice that has HBOT ? And is there a particular chamber that you recommend?
I know you may not have time to respond but if you do :) TY
… I’ve watched several of your videos in the last 24 hours
Very helpful ❤️


I am about to start. I haven’t cleared away my schedule. So I can do at most 2 a week for the first two weeks. Would you suggest I save my money for those and wait until
I can fully commit to at least four a week?


Thank you for this great information . im wondering if at that frequency if it is not better to buy one.... Could you speak nn this. Thank you again
