Crypt - Buried Alive (Official Music Video)

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Thank you so much to everybody who has supported this album thus far. This has absolutely been mind blowing. Even KSI liked some of the songs. I've got several music videos lined up and ready to go, so stick around!

Shot, Directed, Edited by Tommy Jackson

Crypt - Buried Alive (Official Music Video)

#Crypt #Buried #Alive
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Thank you so much to everybody who has supported this album thus far. This has absolutely been mind blowing. Even KSI liked some of the songs. I've got several music videos lined up and ready to go, so stick around!

Shot, Directed, Edited by Tommy Jackson


My favorite video from the project.... My man literally ate dirt for this one 😂🔥


Hey crypt, you’ll probably never see this but I just wanted to tell you something. Even if you don’t hear it. I listened to your album earlier today and saw how much you have improved and as much as that mattered to me seeing one of my favorite artists improve. What I really wanted to to say was thank you. I heard your song Sunday’s with grandma and started crying my eyes out near the end. My grandfather had passed last year and I don’t know why but I couldn’t cry then. He meant everything to me. My parents aren’t great people and he was all I really had in terms of people I’d say where family. My grandpa, grandma and their dog. Me used to let me ramble about whatever new obsession I was on today. Weather it be beyblades, video games, random stories I made up. He would listen and he was nice. He got cancer early 2020 and passed in August that year. I always regretted not seeing him that day because I was to caught up playing a game. I said I’ll see him tomorrow and to tell him I loved him when my sister and mom went to see him. He passed mid conversation that night with my mother about me. I’ll never forget his name. I miss him every day. My grandma and their dog always remind me of him so I would go over at least once a week. And just last week the dog passed away. That song and this entire album meant so much to me and I wish I could thank you in person. But a comment on your newest video is the best I can do. Thanks and much love crypt...


WHO MADE THIS BEA- know what, never mind. This man literally ate dirt for the video. I’m not going to try to take any credit here 😂


My favorite track you've released!! I'm definitely sharing this to everyone I know


I love when people rap in 3/4 time; it's just off-kilter enough to give the track a different rhythmic flavor, but it's still a recognizable enough time signature that most people are still gonna be fully able to follow the beat. One of the best cuts off Buried Alive, if you ask me.


Man ate literal dirt. I can’t imagine it getting in your eyes lmao that must’ve been quite the shoot bro


Crypt fact that you are still singing while dirt is being thrown into your mouth is serious dedication to your craft. Love you bro!


The vocals on this song are truly insane, u have so much talent wether it's rapping or singing


Holy Shitballs!!!! Did not know you could blow/sing like dat... Mannnn This is your best shit so far man. Love it man.


I listened to the entire album with no breaks and here's what happend.
I got goosebumps multiple times, cried three times, got pumped at dope music, and got inspired. This is by far my favorite album of 2021. THANK YOU CRYPT FOR SUCH A MASTERPIECE. Much love bro keep doing you👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾

You’re not just a rapper, your singing voice is also great and full of emotions. Love it when you sing in your songs


The vocal talent this man possesses is insane


I love how there sounds like shovels digging in the instrumental, that plays into the song.


“Somebody save me from myself I’m following my demons all the way to hell”


This the type of stuff that could maybe go mainstream


Hey Crypt I stayed up past 12 to listen to your album last night! I hope you can read this sometime and I really have appreciated everything you’ve done and I was not disappointed on this album at all. This album is absolutely amazing and I believe it is even better than Tales From The Crypt which was also really amazing too. It’s funny, I remember Back in 2019 one of your songs popped up in my recommended. I think it was Worst Day of My Life and I was like you know what I’ll check it out and I’ve been listening to you ever since and I really appreciated everything you’ve done. I seriously do. I appreciate you as an artist first of all and everything you’re doing independently. I also appreciate everything you’ve done and are doing as a person as you’re trying to help your mom and dad out and just be a good person and put people on your cyphers. Thank you for Buried Alive. I hope you keep growing! Shoutout to 100 Kufis and Joey Nato too.


who else listened to this song 10x in a row... absolute fire


"Are you a Rapper or Singer?" Crypt: Hold my Mic!!!


Bro... this was SICK! Listened to part of the album. Gonna listen to the rest soon. Can't wait to get my ultimate package as well.

Mad respect for fully giving into the sense of the video as well. So sick.
