The Disturbing Rise of iPad Kids

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As the father of a 4 year old, I gotta say this video is terrifying. I go to the mall and see kids my daughter's age, younger, and older, with the head totally slumped down, neck limp, staring at a screen, half dead. I think about how daughter is going to have to work with these people, talk to these people, exist in the world with these people. And as a kid who was raised with two attentive parents and strictly limited screen time, she's going to come from a whole different world than these zombie people.


I find the fact that people blame the kids for this the most disturbing part of all this. Whatever the fate of the new generation the responsibility always lies with the parent's generation.


I was born in 1975 and I feel sorry for kids who don't know the joy of toys and toy shops. I'm glad I grew up when I did.


To a degree, I was definitely an I-pad kid when I was younger. This IS reversible. All thats needed is some good parenting, all lot of time outside, and a lot less screen time.


It’s sad how normal this is becoming and there’s no telling how this is going to effect the next generation in the long run..


Why are people shocked that this is happening? Kids are doing what kids have always been doing which is watch and learn from adults.


I’m a millennial, and my parents didn’t let me have a smartphone until I was out of high school. I felt left out at school, but now im thankful for this. TikTok is the major detriment with its addictive algorithm. TikTok is proven to shorten one’s attention span, and the problems that causes are highly researched.


I witnessed my own attention span decreasing whenever I had TikTok, I can't imagine what that does for a child's


I work at a restaurant and it’s honestly terrifying the amount of young kids I see on iPads, iPhones etc… Literally one woman came in with three of her kids and they were crying, the next thing uno she pulls out a charging bag filled with 3 iPads to shut the children up, they were content and she was at peace for the rest of her time at the restaurant.

As well as seeing younger kids in skimpy clothing wearing fake acrylic nails and false eyelashes. It’s just sad.🥺💔


The biggest problem is correcting the situation as a collective. Imagine raising the one kid in school without a smartphone or tablet, and trying to get him on a playdate. How do you get him to play outside with other kids when there aren't other kids outside?


My mom's a teacher for such kids. She can already see the huge gap (for 3, 4 or 5 years old kids) between iPad kids and well-raised kids. It's terrifying


The scariest part to me is that you can't really combat this by raising your own child differently.

You can give them all the healthy social skills in the world, but where can they make use of it when almost nobody else has the same skills?

I feel like I'm slowly becoming an iPad kid as an adult because if I try to go out and talk to anyone, there's just nobody there anymore.

And if you do meet anyone willing to socialize, they are so desperate that it's unnerving. They latch on in a really unhealthy way.


My brother and I was raised by a single father who worked 50+ hours a week and he always made an effort to keep us active. He forced us to play outside and encouraged us to get into hobbies like skateboarding, fishing, bmx, sports, etc. We did a bunch of video games but we were not allowed to play games all day. He taught us how to fix engines which helped me start a small business to help fix up my neighbors lawn equipments and atvs/dirt bikes when I was only 12. Well I’m 29 now and I feel very thankful for him. Parents are more “hands off” than ever and the kids today will suffer.


Dang, parents really went full circle from letting their kids do whatever they wanted in the outside world completely unsupervised, to letting them do whatever they want in the online world completely unsupervised.


I’m so thankful that my parents raised me differently. I always was jealous with other kids getting more screen time but now I realize I’m a way more happy and healthy person because I was able to play outside and have friends.


I’m 14 and this video has worried I’m gonna go outside a lot more


My brother's daughter just turned 5 years old and is the definition of an iPad kid. This year at Christmas she was completely glued to her tablet. My brother and sister in-law attempted to take away the tablet so we could enjoy Christmas dinner and she started freaking out. They ended up just conceding and let her scroll throughout dinner just so we could have a peaceful Christmas dinner. Later at gift time they tried to take away the tablet again and she also started freaking out and threw a tantrum. She was more interested in scrolling than opening gifts. She is only 5 years old and I think she may already have developmental issues because of the tablet and poor parenting from my brother. I am sad that my niece is going to be living in a world of mental health issues and non-stop instant gratification seeking from fake internet content for the rest of her childhood.


As a 35 yr old father to a 3 yr old daughter and 10 month old son, thank you for investing your time into making this.
It might be the most important issue today.


I work in a restaurant. This dynamic became rather apparent to me when I saw a family that looked like characters from WALL-E. And they play the part perfectly. Very large people. They sit down, order food, and then get lost on tablets for the rest of their meal.


My children are 12, 10, and 8, we started homeschooling them 2019/2020 and got rid of our TVs a year and a half ago. They only use smartphones, iPads, or tablets on very rare occasions, and they use the computer in the children’s section of the library when we’re there twice a month. I am regularly approached by strangers praising my children’s behavior, manners, and good citizenship on the playground and at the stores we go to.
