Arrow Season 3 - Olicity Kiss and Top 5 Comic Book Couples

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Personally, considering Oliver and Felicity's relationship as it stands, I don't see how they can just tip their toe in. Like, if Oliver and Felicity happen, it's happening and it's not going to just go away. I mean, even if they eventually break up, they'll come back round like you said. So, basically if they're investing this much into Olicity already, they're it for the show because they have the type of dynamic where it's either you go for it or you don't. Of course, I don't think they'll officially be anything until the end of season 3. Felicity is being given a lot of romantic interests this season and it'll draw this out in typical TV angsty tradition. 


I don't think they'll get them together this season, Charlie. I think they'll draw Olicity out for a bit longer and do all sorts of angst-y things. But I will say that I can't ever see the show having a strong Black Canary/Green Arrow love dynamic the way it is in the comics. It's just not there on the show. I hope they do an off/on romance/love with Oliver/Felicity throughout the show. But I'm a little disappointed you didn't touch on Komodo, I'm sort of intrigued about how the show will incorporate him. Also, where's my Felicity Smoak video? You haven't done one yet about this Felicity episode for 3x5 or why you think they changed the title. Are they straying away from the "Oracle" path with Gotham possibly having Barbara Gordon? Will there possible be something more or else for Felicity? What about the significance of her mother's name - Donna? What's your new speculation on her father, still think he'll be the Season 3 big bad? Come on! LOL. Dish.


If Justice League TAS taught me anything (on shipping), it's
Batman & Wonder Woman & Wonder Woman.


No, I don't believe putting the hero in a relationship kills the tension, especially where Oliver and Felicity are concerned cause many fans like the pairing. I actually believe it hurts these shows where the tension is there for multiple years without any growth, like the almost together (something gets in the way) then the next season, almost together (something gets in the way) and so forth, that's what fans got sick of on smallville for 6 years between Clark and Lana, crap or get off the pot but don't tease it for multiple years, there's no reason the hero can't have a relationship... I've never believed in that concept with comic stories.


When I found out Superman and Wonder Woman got together my first thoughts were "Thank god! It's about time" I totally support that relationship. I agree comics don't let them have a normal relationship something always breaks them up


Omg in that picture of Black Panther and Storm of you look at the bottom the expressions drawn make it look like iron man and captain america are like 'were gonna be next' XD


You know what buddy, even if he was only whispering something to her and NOT kissing her...HE WAS STILL WHISPERING F*CKING NEAR HER MOUTH and that my friend IS  FREAKING ENOUGH FOR ME TO ENJOY :D


You think it's possible that if it ends up being an actual kiss that it could possibly be a dream/daydream of Oliver?? I mean, we know from Stephen and from Marc that Oliver is totally in love with Felicity by now, so, it could be him fantasizing about it at some point??? Other part is, the kiss apparently happens in a hospital?? Could it be connected to the birth of the Digglet??? Love your videos!! Ps. Tumblr was crawling with theories last night... Some pretty hilarious!!


I think there is a major difference between the way comics and TV/Movie adaptations are portrayed. TV obviously tells more of a story and shows more character development in an episode than what you read in an issue of a comic book. So with the whole Felicity/Oliver relationship, I would have to disagree that it wouldn't work. 
If the writers are committed to the storyline and are passionate about it, then they care about the characters relationship and don't want it to get stale. Unfortunately, you don't always see that with every TV show. But I have confidence in Arrow's writers. 
But whether or not one likes Olicity, it's definitely going to continue on for the rest of the show's future. Now what happens in the relationship is up to the writers. If you look at the CW's marketing of Arrow, a majority of that has shifted to promoting  Oliver and Felicity as a couple. Because they realize that it is a significant portion of the fanbase. And it will most likely remain that way. 


Posting *Captain Marvel Avengers 2* video tonight :)


I'm surprised at the lack of love for Clark Kent/Lois Lane relationship. That's got to be one of the longest in comics.


I think it would be interesting to see a hero trying to have a normal relationship for once. Well, not normal, but a stable relationship. Like you said, the whole getting together, ripping apart thing is so overplayed in comics that it would be refreshing to see Arrow take a different route. Also, the whole being distracted because you have a girlfriend thing is something that Oliver and Felicity could work around. I mean, Felicity is just as much a part of team arrow as Oliver is, she has the same goals as Oliver (saving Starling) so I don't think it would be a big problem if they have the same goals to work towards. 


I'm definitely an Olicity shipper but I agree that it could ruin their personal relationship if they get together to soon. They are endgame for me though.


It'd be cool to have a scene where Ra's al Ghul reanimites Tommy in a Lazorous Pit and sends him to battle his own father. But I guess that's totally undoable.


I'm more of fan of the Batman/Wonder Woman ship they had during the Justice League Unlimited show, and that's mostly for the reason that Batman gave a bit of humanity to Wonder Woman.
With Superman/Wonder Woman you pretty much have two gods that don't really understand what it means to be human, and like in Justice League Batman evens them out, and makes them see things from our prospective.


Superman/ Wonder Woman is an awesome couple


Superman and Wonder Woman are a terrible couple.  I like both characters, but together, they are so boring, and they have zero chemistry.  And it's not doing any favors for either character in the longterm, either.

For Superman, it separates him from his iconic love interest, Lois Lane.  There's a reason they've lasted as long as they have.  They balance and complement each other perfectly.  Undoing their romance seems like a cheap stunt.

And Wonder Woman needs to be able to stake out her own turf in the DCU and stand on her own.  Tying her down to an established, huge franchise like Superman could wind up overshadowing and undermine her (and a case can be made that it's already happening).


PLEASE never mention the death of Roy's daughter. If you've watched Atop the Fourth Wall, you'll know why. Also, I HATE Wonder Woman and Superman as a couple. Lois and Clark ftw! One last thing, I hate Joe Quesada for what he did to Spider-Man and Mary Jane.


I hope felicity and Oliver's relationship will be similar to clark and Chloe in smallville sorry I'm against oilicity


Olicity Kiss -- Not gonna happen right away.  Felicity is wearing the same dress that'sin the Season 3 teaser (for their 1st date), but I'm guessing that JUST before their lips touch, The Bomb goes off (in the teaser, Ollie is standing over an injured Felicity who's laying on a table - in the same dress).  But I think this is definitely the beginning of their Serious relationship.  (just my opinion)
