How Vat19 Got Its Name

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Curious how Vat19 got its curiously awesome name? So are we! Let us know how YOU think we came up with the name Vat19 and post your video response. Or you can visit our website and send us an email.
Glorious responses may receive coupon codes or free gifts. It's not really a contest because there's no end date. We'd probably be so thrilled at any response that we may shower you with buckets of gold dubloons.
Glorious responses may receive coupon codes or free gifts. It's not really a contest because there's no end date. We'd probably be so thrilled at any response that we may shower you with buckets of gold dubloons.
How Vat19 Got Its Name
Name The State By Mouth Feel
Vat19 Welcomes The New Girl: Kara
How Vat19 got its name (REUPLOADED)
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it's over
How Vat19 got its name
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Discovering how got its name
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Those Are Some Good GooToobz!
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It's Handmade By Professionals, Don't DIY!!
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How vat19 got its name part 2
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How vat19 got it name