Memilih Kartu Tarot untuk Pemula. How to Choose Tarot Card for Beginner. (En subtitles)
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Video tarot tutorial ini menjelaskan cara memilih kartu tarot untuk pemula.
This tutorial tarot video explains how to choose tarot card for beginner. With English subtitles.
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Review of Golden Tarot Deck by Liz Dean
Review of Hermes Fortune Tarot Deck
Review of Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
Review of The Crystal Tarot (Philip Permutt & Emma Garner)
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This tutorial tarot video explains how to choose tarot card for beginner. With English subtitles.
Kamu bisa mempercepat video ini 1,25x -1,5x jika kamu rasa video ini terlalu panjang.
You can fast forward this video 1,25-1,5x if you think this video is too long.
Makasih sudah menonton.
Thanks for watching. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes.
Review of Golden Tarot Deck by Liz Dean
Review of Hermes Fortune Tarot Deck
Review of Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
Review of The Crystal Tarot (Philip Permutt & Emma Garner)
Btw, kalau kamu merasa video-nya terlalu panjang kamu bisa mempercepat kecepatan video-nya. Di layar smartphone kanan atas ada titik tiga. Klik, lalu pilih kecepatan & atur kecepatan video seperti yang kamu inginkan.
Btw, if you feel that this video is too long, you can fasten the video speed. In your upper right of your smart phone screen, there is 3 points. Click it & then choose speed & choose the speed that you want.