Every Original Planet in the Galactic Republic!

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The Republic began tens of thousands of years before the Original Trilogy, but which planets started itÉ Today weère going through all of them from Alsakan to Coruscant (itès very heavily weighted towards the start of the alphabet)

Edited by MarMarBunBun

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Hi Corey, the Bezha Two information in The Old Republic comes from a crafting mission that you send your companion on rather than a mission that you play through. It's a Grade 4 mission in the Archaeology skill called "Lost World's Return". The flavour text currently reads "A newly discovered hyperspace route leads to Bezha Two, a founding member of the Republic thought lost in a supernova. Send your companion to make contact." I don't think the other information shown in the Wookieepedia entry is in the current version of the game, and mission "success" just means your companion comes back with your crafting materials. Maybe a previous version of the game had the mission restricted to Republic characters?


one kinda interesting anecdote of lore that I think you may have missed is, in the Corellian sector sourcebook by ffg there is a planet called "Corfai" that was colonized by Coruscant and was not invited to the founding of the Republic, but Corfai historians claim that they sent a delegation and that they where deliberately snubbed by Coruscant


Very nice! The early days of the Republic is a very cool and under explored period. Especially since this was also before the Jedi's contact with the Republic and the Order was heavily influenced by the Caamasi after Masters took a tour of the Republic.


2:50 I said it before and I’ll say it again I love how you write out these scripts they always always catch me off guard with how the jokes just sneak their way in.


There's a cool verisimilitude lent to this time period by the fact that almost no media exists about it. Like, generally Star Wars is approached from the perspective of the Battle of Yavin and the like forty years to either side of it, give or take. That's 'modern Star Wars', and like in our modern world, the further back you go, the less even can be known.


Thanks for at least trying to give us a list of the Core Founders of the Republic. Star Trek's Federation has it comparably easy, with Earth, Vulcan, Tellar Prime and Andoria (though it should have had five, Denobula deserved that honour too, IMO).


Maybe I will finally learn some The Old Republic lore.


A terrifically informative and brilliantly crafted video on the core member worlds of the old republic. Which generally seem in respect of membership needs, consisting of worlds on the two main economic hyperspace routes, colony worlds of other core founders or as the seats of territory of former imperial states that existed prior to the republic's formation.


I think that was my favorite of your YouTube interaction plugs, especially funny 😂


One day Alsakan will be freed from Coruscanti opression!


Great video ive listened over 5 times now 😅


Great Video! I wouldn't mind this type of lore history more often!


Thank you for this interesting and detailed video. I also like your transparency about using wookiepedia when there are no other sources avaiable.


Thanks for the video, Corey. This is awesome, but yeah, it is sad that we know less about the core founders or the founding of the old republic compared to our knowledge of the founders and the eventual founding of the rebel alliance?

Hopefully with the fixed number of 22 plan era for Canon hopefully we get more of the core founders in the near future maybe using the same information that you used in your video like the different categories with in the core founders.

Imagined an Andor style show or story but it is all about the core founders and the eventual founding of the Galactic Republic that would be awesome!


Be it legends or canon, this is a time period that I consider a GIANT missed oppertunity. The fact that it's all limited to comics and source books is such a waste.

How cool would a story about early Jedi hyperspace explorers be on the big screen? Or as a TV series?


I constantly misread Alsakan as Alaskan


Hey Corey, can you do video about how the Rebel Alliance was formed? Did Starkiller really do it or would it have happened naturally like in canon?


What is this Imperium you speak of? Also I’m curious, with the Vong having terraforming technology/abilities (because they hate technology) was the galaxy in general able to use that tech to fix planets that were uninhabitable long before the Vong war?


Quick question corusant was still left alive and not destroyed by the star killer base and the other ships what about? Naboo


I really don't like how in both the old Eu & the Disney "canon" the government founded by Rebels after the death of palpatine is called the *NEW* Republic I thought the whole point of the alliance to restore the REPUBLIC was to do just that Restore the REPUBLIC?, not create a entirely new government I have alot of other problems with the *NEW* Republic in both continuities but I won't get into that here
