The Best Brawlers For Ranked 🤔

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#brawlstars #snakethug #ranked #deadgame
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I think Gus deserves a higher ranking tbh, hear me out:
1. Damage buff - 2000-> 2240
2. insta pop gadget immediately or in right situations he can be very deadly/annoying
3. He can be hard to take down in knockout and bounty because of his shield and knockback ability (increase survivability)
4. Op star power (+25%)
5. Easy to hit shots


I personally think it's always important to have one maxed out from each category so damage dealers, artillery, sharpshooters and so on


putting amber and poco so low is actually a crime, amber is EXTREMELY versatile and does insane damage, and poco is pretty good in combination with a tank in hot zone and gem grab


"(Dynamike) She is a good brawler"


I'd put Shelly in Situational, she is really the only brawler who can completely shut down Kenji and Darryl


Amber is one of the best brawlers for ranked I'm ngl
She's so versatile
she can do 17k dmg with a full clip and including her gadget she can do almost an extra 20k dmg so 40k dmg on the safe
Insane control on Hotzone as well


Snake: You should max out this!
My coins: Nah i dont think so eat buying gears addiction


Bro amber is actually realy underatted she is at least situational💀


Gus is actually really good, especially in knockout and bounty.

Also, Maisie belongs in save your gold. She is not played ever. Buzz also should NOT be must have. He is outclassed by other assassins.


There's a few misconceptions in the tierlist, overall really good, but some got a criminal tier for them:

1. Amber = Amber is a versatile pick who can do good against both ranged and up close brawlers, her DPS potential is insane, making her viable on mostly any mode. She shreds the safe if she gets up close, she has amazing control on hot zone due to her super, can remove some bushes from the map so a few maps who has bushes and are often picked tanks into, she can be used to remove some of this pressure, she definitely deserves atleast 'Good'.
2. Mico = Mico is THE thrower counter, also even snipers depending on the map, a REALLY powerful late pick if there's a thrower in the enemy team, mode doesn't really matter, just the matchups, deserves atleast 'Situational'.
3. Poco = While i do agree that synergy reliant brawlers are not as good for random matchmaking, i do think he's still solid for a few places, not because you're playing Poco is that you're gonna use the healing star power, he hold a pretty good pressure on certain hot zone and gem grab maps with the dmg star power, i'd say bottom of 'Good'.
4. Stu = Pretty versatile since it's high mobility and good burst, provides some utility with the mov. speed gadget that can be used everywhere, id's say atleast bottom of 'Good'
5. Gus = Gus has been such a solid pick for Knockout, Bounty and Gem Grab since the dmg buff recently, he can 3 tap/2 tap + gadget so many brawlers and he's so tanky aswell, the knockback from his super also makes him really hard to be dived into, definitely on atleast 'Good'.
6. Bea = She's got a lot of presence against tanks specifically, Bounty and Knockout isnt really the place for her, thrives mostly against tanks, atleast 'Situational'.
7. Colette = Incredible in Heist, good against tanks across all modes, good gem carrier, why is she not in 'Must Have'?
8. Angelo = Best brawler when it comes to water maps, still solid even without water in Knockout and Bounty, need to say more? 'Must have' even if he gets banned often.
8. Maisie = The recent damage buff was nice, but she didn't really have her flaws fixed, her attack is still too difficult to land, top of 'Bad'.
9. Buzz = Too reliant on super to have impact in the match, a single knockback and he's useless, there's way better assassins in the game, around the bottom of 'Bad'.


Snake: Shows us Penny
Also Snake: … or Jacky.


snakethug: Gus is bad
cryingman: Must upgrade


Meg, Chester, Gus, Stu, Bea and Byron might all be S Tier or at least good and and iws that Surge and Clancy aren't that good in ranked cuz they can get countered too easily if u know how to not feed them. In ladder they are way better cuz you can't outdraft them

Meg- just OP since the rework
Chester- insane dps and HP even after nerfs
Gus- damage buff to 2240, with the super kb and the gadget
Stu- great HP and gasoheal buff
Bea- 10% damage buff to charged shot (now 4400) and easy hitable projectiles
Byron- insanely versatile, great dmg and heal


2:21 nah honestly i main bull and he is so strong on brawl ball and even on bounty on map canal grande where i just stay behind the wall and kill people. i vero often also get a star pplayer on ranked on this map. also he is super good in heist, and i know that quickfire is not in the ranked anymore but still he is very good. also on a few maps on hot zone he is so good like parallel plays for example so i would put him as a situational tbh


1:24 shelly in snake prairie and center stage(brawlball) left the chat


When you realize that all your maxed brawlers are on “save your gold”😭


Bro really said Dinamike is good, but Barly is situational 😂


Like this for video idea… Play Hank every game mode as he is the best brawler ever


snake for 1.2m you ahould eat a döner while playing burger lou


1:18 Shelly
1:40 Nita
2:00 Colt
2:19 Bull
2:29 Brock
2:48 El Primo
3:03 Barley
3:20 Poco
4:06 Rosa
4:35 Jessie
4:47 Dynamike
4:56 Tick
5:25 8-bit
5:40 Rico
5:47 Darryl
6:02 Penny
6:22 Carl
6:43 Jacky
6:53 Gus
7:35 Bo
7:40 Emz
8:29 Stu
8:52 Piper
9:02 Pam
9:11 Frank
9:29 Bibi
9:40 Bea
10:05 Nani
10:14 Edgar
10:41 Griff
10:52 Grom
11:15 Bonnie
11:25 Gale
11:35 Collete
11:47 Belle
11:53 Ash
12:08 Lola
12:17 Sam
12:41 Mandy
12:54 Maisie
13:11 Hank
13:16 Pearl
13:26 Larry & lawrie
13:39 Angelo
13:59 Berry
14:11 Mortis
14:22 Tara
14:29 Gene
14:42 Max
14:56 Mr. P
15:02 Sprout
15:20 Byron
15:41 Squeak
15:50 Lou
16:00 Ruffs
16:19 Buzz
16:34 Fang
16:40 Eve
17:10 Janet
17:37 Buster
17:40 Gray
18:03 RT
18:27 Willow
18:34 Doug
18:37 Chuck
18:52 Charlie
19:25 Mico
19:38 Melodie
19:47 Lily
19:52 Clancy
20:17 Spike
20:22 Crow
20:32 Leon
20:44 Sandy
21:07 Amber
21:11 Meg
21:26 Surge
21:40 Chester
21:47 Cordelius
21:51 Kit
21:55 Draco
21:59 Moe
22:13 Kenji

Your welcome!
