ГАЗ-66 Агат 1:43 небольшая доработка
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ГАЗ-66 от "Агат" (г. Саратов). Одна из самых первых моделей в коллекции. Здесь заменил стеклоочистители на фототравление, заменил колёса на изделия от Маэстро, заменил мигалку, поставил госномера, декалью изобразил знак качества СССР на положенном ему месте. На остальное рука не поднялась, он и в стоке достаточно хорош и ценен.
GAZ-66 from Agat (Saratov). One of the very first models in the collection. I replaced the windshield wipers with photo-etched ones, installed wheels from Maestro, replaced the flasher, installed registration plates, pasted the USSR quality mark decal over the right headlight. I did not perform any other modifications, the model in its original form is quite good and valuable.
GAZ-66 from Agat (Saratov). One of the very first models in the collection. I replaced the windshield wipers with photo-etched ones, installed wheels from Maestro, replaced the flasher, installed registration plates, pasted the USSR quality mark decal over the right headlight. I did not perform any other modifications, the model in its original form is quite good and valuable.