BIRTH TO DEATH OF A GHOST in Real Life - Rebecca Zamolo

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Rebecca gives birth to her baby after being pregnant but instantly regrets it
It all started when Rebecca Zamolo created "GENDER REVEAL of our Baby in Haunted House." Next Matt and Rebecca posted "DANIEL TRIED to RUN OVER MATT with his Tesla" Finally the Game Master Network created "Real Food Vs Halloween Food To Save Daniel." Now Rebecca has to give birth to her baby but dies right after birth. She is now Evilyn in real life but inside of a program. If Rebecca can figure out what the weakness is of her nemesis Evilyn maybe we can stop the ghost. No one knows where the ghost came from but we are about to know the entire history. Do you think Rebecca and Matt can stop the Ghost in time? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2021!
Our Movie on the Game Master Network App
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Rebecca Zamolo Social Media
It all started when Rebecca Zamolo created "GENDER REVEAL of our Baby in Haunted House." Next Matt and Rebecca posted "DANIEL TRIED to RUN OVER MATT with his Tesla" Finally the Game Master Network created "Real Food Vs Halloween Food To Save Daniel." Now Rebecca has to give birth to her baby but dies right after birth. She is now Evilyn in real life but inside of a program. If Rebecca can figure out what the weakness is of her nemesis Evilyn maybe we can stop the ghost. No one knows where the ghost came from but we are about to know the entire history. Do you think Rebecca and Matt can stop the Ghost in time? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2021!
Our Movie on the Game Master Network App
More awesome videos!
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