AQA Q1 Language Paper 2 How to Get Full Marks

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The channel where 27% of viewers go up 3 grades or more, and another 25% go up 2 grades! Why not you?

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Congratulations on hitting 100k, you truly deserve the recognition 👏 👏 👏


It's sad knowing that this would probably the last Mr Salles video I watch
but thank you so much for carrying me and many other students through this and helping us achieve our desired english gsce grades 🥰


Today marks a sad day. Unfortunately this is the last ever Mr Salles vid I will watch. Thank you so much for all you’re videos and you’re brilliant English language book!


Congratulations on reaching 100, 000 subscribers.🎉🎉

I've been on your channel for over a year now and you have been the most helpful person in my life. Thank you so much for preparing us for our exams and making me love English even more. Thank you.💞😫

This is a great way to end the end of the GCSE journey. 🎉🎉


So close to 100k, you deserve all the subscribers for helping so many people get the grades which they deserve. Thank you and congratulations Mr Salles.


500 subs gained just today and closing in on 100k. Well done and thank you for the last minute help Mr Salles


Congratulations on 100k subscribers - you deserve every one of them. You were a significant part of my English revision and your videos for language and literature were extremely helpful. Thank you!


Thank you sooo much for everything ❤️ i just finished the English exam and I've never felt more confident during it before, i found it really easy and remembered how to structure all my answers


This will probably be the last of you're videos I will watch. I just wanted to thank you for for all of your help with both language and literature. In the mocks I got grade 3 in both, before I discovered your channel - hopefully I will have at least a 4 in August. I have certainly felt more confident with English, since watching your videos and was able to recall many more things.

Congrats on 100k, you deserve that and more!


CONGRATS ON 100K 🥳🥳 I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me over the last 2 years. As a studant with severe dislexia I spent so many years strugeling to put my creative ideas into sentenses that correctly and sucsesfully convay my point to the examiner in a way that can get me marks. At the begining of year 10 I resived a 1+ on my mid point-still not quite sure how I managed that one😂- but I am happy to anounse that sinse subscribing to your wondefull channel I managed to get an 8 on my last mock! Your intuitive and thortfully created vidioes are are truly what has got me through my English GCSEs without too many mentel breakdowns and I connotation thank you enough! I’m so exited for this incredible milestone that you have reached and aloud how I don’t usuely coment (for obvious reasons) I Thorte it was sertanly neserserry to congratulate you on this amazing achivment ❤️❤️ ps sorry about the speling 😅


thanks to you mrsalles, i and many other year 11s have done better on their english exams. today was our last english exam, and it went wonderfully thanks to you.
we'll always be grateful!
congrats on 100K, hope your channel keeps growing!


This is the last time I will ever watch Mr Salles, his back must hurt so much for carrying 10, 000 people in their GCSEs, absolute tank.


I got 11 9s in gcses and I can fairly say that your channel helped so much to get me them especially in English obvs! But also for writing technique in geography and religious studies!! Thanks


I just started watching Mr Salles and Its sad that this is going to be one of my last videos

Thank you for teaching us English on the internet and see you August 2022


oi for all you year 11s/year 10s - listen to this man, he saved my English - i had 5 months off school and yet ended up with a 7 thanks to him


Mr Salles thanks so much i love your content and i will really miss your videos before the exams. Thanks for all the help with all of the's really the end of an era. Please do a good luck video in the morning!!!


hi sir! i just wanted to thank you for all your videos! with your help i managed to get a 9 in both language and literature :))


100k! Congrats and thank you for the help through these English GCSEs!


This may be the last mr salles video i ever watch but thank you so much for all your help, ive been watching your videos for around half a year and i have only been able to gain the grades i got in my last mocks and feel so secure in english because of you. at the start of secondary school i was almost in set 2 but thanks to you i have been able to grow to get 8s and 9s in english, thank you!


November mock vibes kicking in, is anyone else missing the beginning of the year?
