Bonanza Media LeaksTalk

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Yana Yerlashova and Max van der Werff discuss the leaked documents about the case of the Malaysian Boeing MH17.

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Good presentation! Short and powerful.


Thank you, well done! Two jets, hunters, one from above, one from below, PETN is the key. Keep up the good work!


Mijn respect voor jullie die dit kwaad naar boven weten te brengen.


are you going to publish full interview with Boris that you have briefly mentioned in this video? (7:02)


You are doing a great job, we miss Journalists like you who dare to focus on truth, real news and good Journalism. Thanks


Have you noticed the letter from the Landelijke Officer Terrorismebestrijding is written on September 21st. This is one of the most occult nights for satanist, namely Mabon, which is one of their human sacrifice nights. Now you reckon it is just a coincidence that the letter saying that it wasn't a BUK is written exactly on that day? I don't think so, these poor people where sacrificed. And the bluntly slap in your face for those poor relatives. Why? The only thing they got besides the lies and deceit is a memorial monument with their relatives names on it. And what do you reckon? Yes, it's in the shape of an eye. AN EYE! That is the occult one eye satanic symbolism. Again. Just another proof of how evil these people are. To give a slap in your face and a big haha even on the memorial monument? I hope the investigators are able to get this out in the open. You both do an excellent job. Thank you.


It was Avakov that posted it just after the crash.


Это тут вы, чудаки, кидаетесь метаданными файлов в качестве доказательств того, что фотки мол голандцы или австралийцы изменили? Вы хотя бы себя уважаете?


a) All the missiles are expended (2/3 of TEL loader cranes of theirs were also destroyed in Avdeevka)
b) There is a battalion radar vehicle and even the command vehicle with them
c) There is a different video, the link to which got removed, showing that the unit has been 100% manned by 17-18 year old conscripts at the time, who were not discharged from their duty when the time was up (The video shows the crews petitioning Poroshenko for a discharge, in Russian) It is one of Anatoliy Sharij's, so it ought to be possible to find, should anybody need it.

How come the Dutch intelligence only knew of a broken TELAR in Avdeevka, but not about a whole battalion of functioning ones with expended missiles in the same exact location?


Just look at what JIT MH17 presented in May 2018, this green tubular compartment No. 3 is the engine compartment of the 9M38 anti-aircraft missile, it is whole, there are even cutouts made there, and the cut line even shines, despite the fact that it fell from a height of about 10 km and it was part of an anti-aircraft missile, a warhead, which allegedly destroyed a huge Boeing 777-200ER, but failed to destroy its own engine compartment. And cartoons from Dutch "investigators" in which the wind threw the wreckage of this Boeing back almost 4 km from the detonation point of the mythical Buk anti-aircraft missile (this Frankenstein was created by the Dutch-Ukrainian falsification of the engine compartment nozzle and detonation algorithm, except for the detonation distance from 9M38 and striking elements from 9M38M1), and these fragments of Boeing flight MH17 are not from the cockpit of the aircraft, but from the front cargo compartment, and from the passenger compartment above it (they have traces of heat exposure and the effects of overpressure - internal explosion), but in the cartoon they fly for some reason through the cockpit, despite the fact that the plane was flying at a speed of about 900 km/ h, it should probably be sent for Disney Marvel is too unrealistic even for Hollywood. This cartoon directly contradicts the laws of dynamics, the plane was flying at a speed of about 900 km / h, and therefore the initial speed of its wreckage after destruction is the same as the direction of movement, gravity, drag force, wind will also act on them, but only the first 2 will set the direction of movement, the vector of movement of the Boeing wreckage, and consequently, forward and to the ground, and not a single fragment of the aircraft could lie beyond the point of the beginning of destruction, whatever it was caused by. And the wreckage fell from behind! And do not tell a fairy tale about the fact that the Dutch supposedly calculated everything. There was no calculation, the Dutch did not have these fragments and they do not know their mass and dimensions, and formulas alone are not enough. So, using formulas like Colin Powell with his test tube, the Dutch drew a curve of alleged demolition by the wind, according to the actual place of the fall, which did not depend on the wind, but depended on the real trajectory and what actually happened to MH17, from the beginning of its real crash, and not from the Western lie about Putin's anti-aircraft missile! In the end, the last point of the FDR is not the point of the event X, which was the beginning of the destruction, but the point of complete destruction of the fuselage, which is why the wreckage lies behind it, which is why this point is also the last for CVR, the destruction of the fuselage simultaneous cable breakage of the flight recorders.


many people are late in the conversation. the entire case needs a twitter thread rolled. difficult to determine wtf is being discussed.


MH17, die van #bellingcat #opcw enz?? Patroon?


I know you are professionals and you know what you are doing. I still wanted to say that before you let unknown people sort out your technical issues, make sure you can trust them.


If i can help regarding streaming / broadcasting - contact me - It can be done very easy and cheep - Salute from Serbia


This "original document's'" look now pretty clear.
Good Fotoshop work!))))


I tried to make a donation but neither Pay Pal or the other one would accept my identification because I don't use Google (CIA) or Facebook (CIA) so tough!
