What Does an Illegal GMRS Repeater Sound like.

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In the United States, GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) operates on specific frequencies allocated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). GMRS channel 5 is designated for simplex communications, meaning it's intended for direct radio-to-radio communication between users within range, without the use of repeaters.

Using a repeater on GMRS channel 5 without proper authorization or licensing would likely be considered illegal. Repeater operation on GMRS requires a separate FCC license, and the frequencies used for repeaters are different from those used for simplex channels.

Operating a repeater without the proper authorization can result in fines, license revocation, and other penalties imposed by the FCC. It's important for GMRS users to understand and comply with the regulations to ensure legal and responsible use of the radio spectrum.
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thank you for protecting us from ourselves. If you dont want to listen to their chatter, change your CTCSS/ DCS tone.


Once I talked on channel 9 on the CB, and I think the cops are still looking for me


Ham radio snobs when you use repeaters and ham radios without a license: 🤓 “Erm, I’m reporting you to the FCC”.
The FCC in real life: stop bothering us! We are incredibly underfunded and do not care.


It's called a PARROT REPEATER and they have been around for decades.


There is something heartwarming when strangers help to get your message across the world.


You ham nerds are the hobby equivalent of hall monitors


When I was a kid, me and my buddy found a old truck in my uncles field, it had a CB in it and the battery was still good. We used to harass truckers on 19 with sister jokes.
Those were the good old days lol


I really need this explaining in simple terms for my simple brain to understand.


We were building fully functional repeaters out of two mobile radios back in the early 1980s. Small enough to fit in a suitcase. Solid state isolation through filtering. Nothing digital. Worked like a charm.


This is the kind of guy who will get pissed off at you answering his CQ if you aren’t in the region he’s going for.


Technically speaking this isnt illegal. It might be annoying to those who enjoy using simplex, but it's not explicity disallowed.


I can have a phone that talks to the other side of the world but god forbid I have a radio more powerful than a cereal box toy


Okay yes according to the band plan, gmrs 5 is supposed to be simplex. However the device he is showing you. Is simplex. That's why they call them Simplex repeaters. Because it is recording the audio that it receives and then retransmitting the audio after it receives it. A true repeater is a duplex device meaning it has one frequency for the input one frequency for the output. So that wallet is receiving it is also retransmitting at the same time. Both of these systems do work to extend the range of two-way Communications equipment. However the the Simplex repeater or what is commonly referred to as it actually very useful. And the fact that it can be deployed easily without having to deal with Toon filter cavities duplexes and any number of other devices that end up in a repeater system to isolate the transmitter and receiver. Also it can be used in a portable or mobile operation. These have been used by commercial radio companies by the military and by amateur radio operators since the invention of digital voice recording circuits, actually before that they did have one that used Magnetic Tape but it didn't work very well and wore out fairly quickly. So to sum it up what he's actually demonstrating is a Simplex use of a Simplex frequency truthfully his beef is the fact that there's no operator most likely where that radio is. And no one is controlling it and turning it on and off when it's not in need. But under the fcc's definition that would still meet at a simplex use. Because the radio must receive the signal pause and then we transmit the signal and it all takes place on the same frequency. The definition of simplex. I do see his frustration with these devices, as they are readily available by any number of Chinese import apps or Amazon eBay or whatever. You just plug it into your boof Fong handheld, and by the way may or may not be useful for the service you're actually using it on. You cannot use any of those chinese-made radios in the commercial land mobile Radio Service frequencies. They do not meet the FCC requirements they're only usable by amateur radio operators because of the wide tolerances that they're given. Even in that case some of those radios exceed the tolerances that ham operators are even allowed to deviate from.


I’ve tried getting into 4 different radio clubs and they were horrible rude $h1t people! So now I’m winging it!


Hams have thousands of frequencies they could choose to use at any time of the day or night yet they choose to sit on a single frequency for hours complaining when someone else extends their range to use it to talk to their friends or uses a frequency that no one else is using.

They complain the bands are dead, they complain about newbies entering the hobby. They complain about new technologies being introduced to help the hobby yet they are still not happy. It’s hard to please these people…


This is the weirdest shit I've stumbled across in a while


Youtube listens, my coworker is into this stuff and yeah, we were talking about it the other day.


My question would be, why not use the repeater channels. Thats weird. But then again near me a rest home uses channel 15 for daily operations. I know there is nothing wrong with that and you can just use a different pl tone and never really step on anyone but still thats odd too. Its more than likely somone had no idea how its supposed to work.


Man do i miss the mid 80s to late 90s, sitting in the garage tinkering, listning to the scanner all night, on search not scan, frequncys 869.000 thru 896.000 non stop cells.


From what I remember from my networking classes simplex means "one way communication". No mention of repeaters
