Emmet Fox - Your Hearts Desire And The Golden Key

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Scientific Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness. To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one. You need to take no one's word for it, and you should not. Simply try it for yourself, and see.

Emmet Fox, who lived from 1886 to 1951, was born in Ireland. His father was a member of parliament, and Mr. Fox studied electrical engineering in England. In his early adulthood, Emmet Fox became interested in spirituality. Around 1930, he moved to the United States, and soon thereafter began lecturing on spiritual themes in New York City. Emmet Fox is the author of the famous Sermon on the Mount and many other books on spirituality. He is credited with serving as a major inspiration for the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). His writings are often classified as "New Thought."

Here we read both small booklets your heart's desire and the golden key, they are breathtaking in beauty and simplicity.
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"Your Heart's Desire is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later." (Emmett Fox)


I finally had a manifestation. I feel it’s due to practicing my imaginations at night as if they were a memory. I noticed that has a whole different feeling. It was easier for me to live inside it remembering it happening to me. I felt much more grounded in it. I fell asleep that way. Then, it carried over into the day and I was able to continue living it in. The first of many that I was living in was lower rent. My rent was 1150.00. I wanted my rent to be $900 and retro back to June. I thought that was reasonable, the rents have fallen here. I have asked a couple times for lower rent but really got nowhere. This time I held back and did nothing... watching, waiting, amused, thinking, I will wait here and watch the show. I’m staying out of it. Today my manager came up to me and told me that her boss lowered my rent to 850.00 and retro’d it back to June. 850.00 😁😇
It’s been a week or so that I have been practicing this way.


Brian ! It's like you just appeared one day out of nowhere and you have this beautiful grace about you. I listen almost every night . The lenses I see through continue to change and my vision is much clearer and my heart is more open.. I am honored to have this time to listen and grow . Thank you Brian.
Love and light


Emmet’s teachings are current and have helped me achieve a developing spiritual life


I just listened for the 1st time. However, I listened to the I Alone Am God reading months ago. I walk on average 5 miles 5 times per week. I believe I have been quantum jumping along my path many times. I believe it is due to me saying "I am God", whenever I think I feel tired or question why I am even doing this excessive exercising all the time. Or if I get a leg pain or a negative thought about my life hits me. It's usually at the foot of a hill I must climb. Relevant huh? I just say something like " Girl, you are God, you can do anything, so breathe and keep going". Soon I am up and over that hill, past it and on my return back down with total ease, as if I was carried over it by an invisible force. It makes me giggle everytime. THIS reading is confirmation that it works like magic. My tools are being sharpened. I am grateful. Thank you Brian! It's All good when you Know it's All God!!


God will provide you with whatever is needed to fulfill your life’s purpose 🌻


I have used the Golden Key, it really works!


Congrats on your marriage! Wishing you and your beloved a long, healthy, fulfilling, joyous life together. 🎈🌟🎉💖💖👏🥂🍾


Thank You! I agree! I’m 35, still single, no kids, and not 100% sure what my mission is. I’ve gotten close to it while creating a self awareness/healing vlog on here during quarantine when I was bored.

As a Virgo we worry and not having a job and back in Mississippi it’s been tough and gives me a lot of time to worry about the future. I know now that I am not alone and to redirect my mind simply when it starts. 🙏🏼


I resigned my position at a job that no longer resonated. A knowing that it was time to move on was powerful. I have had a few months to get into the flow of my path. I'm starting a new venture and the only thing I can say about it is that success is sure, I know it like I know it. I'm also aware that this is only the first step that leads to the next to the next on my path of true purpose. Faith is a knowing and truly letting go of the how and enjoying the ride😁💖 I'm so excited for these experiences.


Thanks for introducing Emmet Fox to more of the masses. A beautiful message this should never be forgotten. (God is with me❤️)


God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference


How beautiful! I have no words to thank you enough! My life is changing for the better all the time, because of these loving, beautiful truths. God Bless each and every one here! And especially you, Brian. I am turning 53 soon, and finally my life’s purpose is unfolding. I am so grateful. I thought my life was over, yet I am just being born. Glory, Glory Glory to THE MOST HIGH! Thank you Yeshua! Thank You Holy Spirit for leading me here. 🙏🏻


I love this. Thank you for the brilliant message. I am thankful I have the great I Am inside, . God rules my life.


Thankyou Brian, beautifully read! I have used the golden key many times over the last few years and it works!


I appreciate your presentation of Dr Emmett Fox's thoughts and beliefs. He was regarded as a Light to his generation and today that Light shines evermore.


Loved the end about putting your worry’s aside or negative thoughts and just think about God. I have been doing this for awhile so was neat to hear it being taught as I had just randomly started doing it. And yes it definitely works!!


What a timeouts and wonderful lesson... I LOVE the simplicity of "The Golden Key" concept - Brian you are absolutely working in your HIGHEST CALLING -- my husband and I listen to you every morning upon rising.. I also listen to you during the day while I am creating art - I send blessings and love to you!


I have read several of Emmit fox books, sermon on the mount and power through constructive thinking also the golden key, be still and more. I also love Florece Scovel Shinn and Louise hay. I would pray to the Lord for guidance and wisdom and he has lead me to these wonderful authors. Thanks to this great knowledge I now read the Bible everyday with a much better understanding. I have come a cross Brian and I am grateful for his videos and was so please and love listening to him.
I have always loved the Lord but have not always lived a Godly life. It
is through daily prayer that helps me live a better life.


Brian, I have thoroughly enjoyed this reading you have provided. I will be adding Mr E. Fox to my list of favorites! I did substitute Universe and quantum consciousness in my mind as I listened, but believe the effect to have been the same. Living in service to others with love and open mindedness has been easy since my NDE. Still working on fulfilling my life's purpose, but aren't we all. You Mr. Scott, are truly providing a Reality Revolution! I hope all your subscribers are really listening with open minds and open hearts. Thank you
