What would you add to this?!✈️✨💕

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Lucky. Ive never just found an empty row and people dont always want to switch seats. Thats risky not paying for them, but if it works, it works.


Well international flights are much different. When I was flying from Los Angeles to Singapore, the toddlers kept crying, so they put that rubber thingy on their mouth which forced them to stop crying, and took them to the front of the cabin into the bassinet. For breathing purposes, they took off the rubber thingy when the baby was sleeping, but instantly put it back on when it was awake. But the staff were very nice and coordinated the whole thing without any disruptions, and they were seated closer to the lavatories and galleys. They did take off the rubber thingy when we reached Singapore, but that baby was so tired of that flight that it cried for the whole immigration time. It was only until they went outside that the baby stopped crying.


why do you have your feet on the wall? its a public space
