The Untold Story Of The BELLAIRE HOUSE 👹 Ohio

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On the outskirts of Bellaire, Ohio (OH) lies an old two-story Victorian home known as the "Bellaire house" that has become famous over recent years both among locals, as well as across the country, with some saying it could be the most haunted place in the United States if not the world. Like a mouse falling into a pit of snakes an unsuspecting family disturbed a slumbering force and became enshrouded in a fog of darkness. From paranormal activity, demonic manifestations and dark seances. There is a lot to this Ohio story. This is untold story of the Bellaire House and the terrifying malevolent entities that dwell within it's walls.

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All paranormal encounters aside..
If my family & I had lost everything TWICE due to flash floods, just about the LAST place I'd choose to resettle would be a home overlooking the banks of a RIVER.


Cody, I used to live in an old Craftsman house as a kid. I loved it like crazy but it was beyond haunted. It was primarily the spirit of a man, who most nights would come clomping through the house on those lovely wood floors, slamming first the Front for then the back door on his way through the house waking everyone - including my 🔫 toting dad - looking for a trespasser of the human kind. He began to suspect that my older siblings were playing practical jokes on him & he would attempt to catch them at it, without avail. The thing that convinced him it was a spirit was me, as a little kid, telling him about the big man who came and sat in the rocking chair in my room, after he walked noisily through the house. At first he passed over my story as a kids imagination. Then concerned that the intruder might be after more than robbery or mischief he curled up next to me in my bed for a night, bent on catching the intruder. I had told my Dad that this was a nice man who just looked out for me while I slept, but the thought of someone in his baby girls bedroom must have scared the bejesus out of him. He told me a bedtime story then we drifted off to sleep. The man came and instead of sitting in the rocker I woke to him standing next to the bed, staring at my Dad who woke then saw this spirit looking back at him. Before he could scramble out of the bed, the spirit disappeared before our eyes. My Dad was stunned. He got me all tucked in again and went back to my parents room to finish sleeping - that’s if he could? He stopped trying to see who was walking through the house. And for the spirits part, he was largely quiet, only occasionally thumping through the house. Perhaps my Dad & he realized they were both on the same mission? We found out later from an elderly neighbor that the man who had built this old Craftsman beauty had had himself buried under the house he loved. This was when you could still do things like this and get away with it because in many places in the US final wishes in a will are still honored. Particularly rural places. He was a Farmer who rose very early in the morning - before first light - to tend to his animals and go about his day, farming his lands. When I saw him in my rocker, he was wearing big brown unlaced boots. I think that’s why he clumped so noisily through the house while walking. Or maybe he made such noises to let us know he was there? That he was patrolling? Maybe he was lonely… That’s what I think - that he was lonely & just wanted company - I was never afraid of him. He didn’t look or act in the least scary.


I live in Ohio and have never heard of the Bellaire House. What a great story. Thank you for your time in investigating this!


This guys been blessed with an epic story telling voice.


Man, I love these haunted house stories. Although, nothing worse than living in a nightmare. Kristen turned it into a good thing.


I’m 35 minutes down the road and never heard of this.
I know where I’m taking a ride to this weekend.
Thanks for posting!


When I was 5, my parents moved my family to a tiny town called Lipscomb in the Texas panhandle. It had at the time a total population of 20(including my family of 4) we moved there for my dads job in the oilfield. My parents rented a 2 story house that was built in the late 1800’s with the intention of buying it. It was a beautiful old home and everything was going great at first until my father began hearing noises of people walking around the house and loud crashes. He kept it to himself for about a month until my mother began noticing the strange events. It took a dark turn and we moved out after only living there for 3 months. My parents have a strong Christian faith and we practically lived in the church. They didn’t believe in the paranormal or ghosts until that house made them and our entire family believers. I still will occasionally have a nightmare about that house and I’m 23 now.


This is absolutely 💯 truly haunted. I grew up in Bellaire when I was younger and I went into this house once. When you walk in the energy changed and the hair stood up on the back of my neck. There isn't just one spirit, multiple. I had bad nightmares and never stepped foot inside again. Very bad spirits and nothing to joke about. To me it seem like this house had a portal straight to hell. Warning!!! If you do decide to visit, I would get blessed by a preacher first. This video brought back memories and I am glad to never experience this ever again in my life.


I remember watching this story on "The Haunted" episodes on Animal Planet, gave me wicked chills. Then, paranormal investigators have been filming in there but, barely caught any proof of the paranormal. Well done on sharing this story. Your voice gave it the perfect creepiness. Excellent work! 🤜🤛


My mother bought the house that I'm currently living in. She bought it in 1987 and she died 5 years ago. This house is haunted. Seriously. But the spirit that's haunting this place is not malevolent. She just likes to scare people. Like me, my daughter, my friends and my mother!


Enjoy your videos. Been to Bellaire and also live near the Ohio River about an hour or so north on State Rought 7. Lots of great haunting stories along the river.


I feel for anyone who has had a negative paranormal experience in a house. I lived in a haunted house for 11 years. This was a intelligent haunting and this thing targeted my youngest son! It showed itself to me as my eldest son, who was fast asleep in his room! We ended up moving when things started to escalate! Scares me to think about it to this day!


New sub. Lived in a 2 story Victorian in the Vineyard neighborhood of Dallas, TX early 80’s during my college years. This place had a reputation for being “haunted”. One evening as I sat studying, there were the distinct sounds of footsteps coming down the hall outside my room. They stopped just short of the closed door. At that moment all the hair on my body stood up and I knew something paranormal was happening. Then came a strong smell of perfume which gradually dissipated. I understand the house was purchased and made into a law office. I sometimes wonder if the activity still occurs and hope that office hours don’t extend beyond nightfall, , ,


Born and raised in Cincinnati, so I really enjoy the stories from Ohio. Thank you and be safe out there everyone.


I think I saw an episode about this house on one paranormal tv show or another but this is by far the best telling of a paranormal story I’ve heard.


Excellent presentation! Thank you for all the work you do on this channel!


Bellaire, Ohio is my hometown, if you think this is haunted you should go to the Salvation Army in Bellaire, it used to be the Dunnaway Funeral Home in the 1980's.


It's wild to me how the little corner of Belmont county has gotten so much love lately... I'm very glad to see it


Great storytelling voice...very pleasant to listen to...thank you!!!


Yeaaaah, I think some homes need to be buried and forgotten. 👀 This is one of those. Awesome content!!! More pls.🙏
