Healthy Productivity Tips for ARTISTS ✨ the low-stress way I grow my art business

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The thing that's always really bothered me about personal productivity systems/workflows is how complicated they are to set up and maintain. I love planning as much as the next anxious person, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's more work to maintain the system than it's worth.

The system I've created as a result is extremely simple but very effective at helping me manage my time! I set my priorities, keep track of the little stuff, and then just run with it.



⚙️ GEAR & FURNITURE ⚙️ *referral / affiliate links*

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Hey! I hope you at least get to read this, but you have been such a huge inspiration for me to start my own art channel and embrace my love for creativity! Thank you for sharing how you manage your time, I feel not too many YouTubers put out this kind of content and it’s needed! You’re a huge help and inspiration!


“I get my work done & have fun”, Kelsey Rodriguez. -Wise words 😊


Running on vibes!!!! Finally someone else says it! I love thinking about organizational systems but my adhd doesn't like to follow them. Running on vibes, with larger goals and priorities, and then space for small admin tasks, is how I kinda do things too. Thanks for sharing ❤


I love how you said schedule your priorities! that's a great way to put it, thank you sharing your tips and how your days usually goes


I think that having a medium and long term plan is very important for managing my time as a beginner artist 🎨
Things like:
-improving skills
-writing and editing videos
-socializing in real life

These are things that cannot be out of the planning. This tip of yours about doing on the current day what feels good to do, helps you to do this activity faster because you are more motivated. And you still have time left over to start another activity or to relax later.
Another great video Kesley thank you so much for sharing it 😍


I loved the balance between information and day in my life vibe in this video. Your videos are always so pleasant to listen to too ☺️


I love that gouache painting and I really enjoyed watching the process! Keep up the amazing work Kelsey <3


And the older you get the more important a proper time management plan becomes. Thank you for the tips.


I appreciate you sharing your behind the scenes, prioritizing & art. Great mix to this video. A little bit for everyone wanting to know art business, art life balance, art history & painting.

I don’t think people realize how nice it is to have a “2nd brain” especially as many creatives struggle with focus. You have to “2nd brain” dates, times and little things on some form of calendar, app, or list. Check it off as you go.

It takes away the pressure of keeping so much info in your mind. You can free up your mind for more knowledge & a chance to relax with art.

Art is subjective and everyone is at different levels in their art journey as well as their business journey.

Some people can be masters at gouache paintings but terrible at prioritizing their day. Maybe new to learning about art business. Learning ways to help monetize their careers so they can later create more art for themselves.

Get away from the “starving artist” stigmas & be open to learn more about art business. It’s a tricky balance but always keep learning.


Super interesting to here about how you manage your time, I have a soft spot for the subject of time management. 😍 Great video as always!


Thank you for the video! I'm struggling with this right now. Too many things have to be done in a little bit time.


I love this! Some of the vids ive watched before abt the same topic involved muuuuch planning. Not saying it doesnt work, but that's just not the "me" way. I dont want to end up planning more thab actually doing, so thank you for this :>


🙏🏼🙏🏼 oh thank god! This is so helpful, will be using these tips rn rn


proud of you - you're an inspiration, for real 👍🏽


Thank you for talking about the “slow” art process! Often find the pressure to hurry and get to the next idea.


I’ve realized I’ve watched too many of your videos by searching “how to full time artist” that I needed to subscribe


You said that your day was not "entertaining" but seriously, as a fellow artist, I feel that starting a new artwork can be the most exciting thing for me. And since I am still perceiving education from school, I find it pretty hard to make time as let's say haf the day is spent in school and then I have to rush everything in the remaining time.


That app seems perfect for me, I'll give it a try. Nice video Kelsey.


Thank you for this! My ND brain struggles big time with planning. Question, what do you use for video editing? And like camera equip? I'm thinking of starting my own channel etc but I don't know where to start with equip. Thank you!!!


Nice to see how everyone has their own system to get stuff done 😁 haha
