Signs & Symptoms of Learning Disorders | Brain Balance

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If you're concerned that your child may have a learning disorder, it's important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. This animated video gives a brief look at some of the most common signs and symptoms of learning disorders in children.


0:00 Intro
0:04 Signs and Symptoms
0:07 Dyslexia
0:14 Dysgraphia
0:20 Dyscalculia
0:26 Dyspraxia
0:31 Contact Brain Balance/Outro

At Brain Balance, we understand that every child is unique and therefore requires a personalized approach to learning and development. Our proprietary program for social, behavioral, and academic issues is designed to target each child’s specific needs in order to help them reach their fullest potential.

Learn more about the signs and symptoms of learning disorders and our programs. Subscribe and connect with us today!

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I have never seen so many people with dyscalculia in one place and it’s making me so happy to know I’m not alone


one time, I was in math class and my teacher called up on me and asked me to do an algebra question..

i was so embarrassed coz i just stood there and heard other people whispering the answers and talking about me 💀

so then my teacher asked a really smart girl to come explain to me at the front. No matter how many times she explained i couldn't do it

and ever since then i barely have any friends which i'm not mad about 😂✌🏾


I have always had a harder time with math and I found out about Dyscalculia and now I’m parinoid for some reason


I still have severe dyscalculia and was made to feel like I was a complete idiot in school. All the while the dyslexic kids were being coddled, and I was with kids that were severely developmentally disabled and all I had was a math problem. In special ed. Thats my life though, bad luck all the time and only gets worse. I was born in 1977 so this was mid 80 to now. I've learnt enough math to survive just by self teaching with spending and using money throughout my life. I still am not great, but have enough skill to get by.


Ever since I was five I always had this big fear over numbers. To me they look like a different language. I am now a high school student and I try for hours at home to look at a paper with a math problem on it in tears as if it’s hieroglyphics or some shit. Throughout these past three years, my middle school teacher had to pull up a chair near my table to explain the problem so can understand it, bless her. She is gone now, off to America and I feel completely helpless in this Italian school system. My parents never bothered taking me anywhere to get me checked for anything such as adhd or autism or anything. They are Italian. If anyone here in these comments has dyscalculia, please respond and tell me if what I’m feeling is dyscalculia or maybe I’m just crazy.


everyone in the comments overdiagnosing- okay let me explain dosent mean if you feel dumb you have adhd or dosent mean you can’t do math you already have dyscalculia stop overdiagnosing and making yourself paranoid, calm down and do more research or just study more :/ either way diagnosis won’t do anything to you unless you’re determined to do something it may be super difficult but keep trying you got this!


Dude I'm in 8th grade I can't add subtract multiple divide 💀 I'm not good at math at all but I don't think i have dyscalcuia


I just found out that i have dyscalculia, but im embarassed to say it to my family, and friends it scared me always since elementary, and now im grade 12 i still don't know how to do division, and im panicking when im counting a money for some kind of reason people might judge me it gives me anxiety all the time. This is making me cry😢🥺


I've always been decent at math (in advanced math classes) but it has always made me cry and try super hard to understand it. Also, I'll look at numbers and they will be backwards. Like I sometimes see 71 as 17. It causes me to mess up. It doesn't happen with words or anything so I don't know WHY it's like that. Also, each number has personalities so as I do math, it gets confusing and I hate subdtraction because to me, it means something bad is happening to the numbers lol. So math is super overwhelming.


*Idk if I have it I can add and subtract but I have to use my hands most of the time like 98% of the time..I still can't divide even with the written method and I'm in 8th grade I can't read the time on the normal clock and I can't do fractions with different denominators, I use my fingers 99% of the time I get 10/60 in tests like idk.*


Really cool vid, used it for my presentation.


I really hate math. I still struggle in Division and multiplication I'm in 9th grade BTW. I don't know what I am gonna do about it. I'm really worried about college.


I have Dyscalculia and It's really sad that a lot of people don't understand it, and think we're just making excuses one guy even showed me an article of some random person who's a supposed genius mathematician with Dyscalculia (which I'm quite skeptical about, since nowadays anybody can fake a disorder or disability and post anything online just to go viral and be famous) or even if its true there me be exceptions, in all disorders and disabilities there are varying degrees of severity, it's not that I never tried I did the best I can, but perhaps I may have another talent or ability just like everyone else ( I'm quite good in literature and arts by the way) each person is unique, so being judgemental doesn't really help even if you may THINK that it does.


People say I probably have dyscalculia. I don't think so. I just take a bit to process math problems and I am TERRIBLE at some math stuff and my self esteem is really low when it comes to math. I don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. :(


so all this time i have a symptoms of dyscalculia. having a trouble to solve simple math problems and getting anxious when i can't solve them. it's like humiliate myself in front of everyone


I have all of these except the last one


Are there similar programs for adults?


I have dyspraxia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia but was always an advanced reader and linguistically gifted. The mind is a strange thing. Haha

It didn't matter that I read at an adult level in elementary and got perfect grades everywhere else, I was made to feel stupid for not understanding math.


I feel so stupid...

21-5 =16
Me thinking : 20-5= 15
15-1= 14❌ (because its 21 and not 20)

I never know if its + 1, 2.. or-1, 2..


Dysgraphia is my disorder. Its sucks because I LOVE to draw. ;-;
