Evie Our Talking Dog!

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Having a talking dog is fun, but there are definitely some drawbacks. Please join us in welcoming Evie to our channel!

That's right, our dog talks. And she thinks this is her big entrance to our channel. It's pretty embarrassing when your dog says to your crush that you think he's cute....or when she beats you at chess, or tells your neighbor she's fat, or when she keeps you up screaming for a snack... you get the idea. She's definitely a funny talking dog. While most animals are cute, Evie is particularly special. Like do most pets talk?? No. And she likes to remind us of this fact. She loves talking dog videos, funny animal videos, dogs says videos, funny puppy videos and really most funny dog videos. She wants to be the talking dog on YouTube. She always loved the talking bacon dog and wants to be like him. Evie loves food. She even sleep talks about bacon. Bacon might be her favorite thing in the world, although I think all dogs love bacon. Honestly she sleep talks about all food. When she was a puppy she used to say chickey to get us to give her chicken. She was a pretty cute puppy. Even though she was a talking puppy. We love our puppy dog.

Do you love funny dogs? Comment down below if you'd like to see more of Evie The Talking Dog on our channel! We love talking animals and funny dog videos!

#talkingdog #funnydog #eviethetalkingdog

On our channel we do all things fun and funny. We play silly games, do challenges, goof around with hilarious skits, and take you along on our exciting adventures. We're kids who love to have fun and make people laugh!!
If you enjoy the Eh Bee family, the Onyx kids, Kids Fun TV or fun family YouTubers, then our channel is just for you! Be sure to check out our playlists like Shiloh's Lists and Music Video Parodies.

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