The Most Expensive Myths (Hypixel Skyblock)

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i need to stop wasting more money someone stop me PLEASE

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Myth: what happens when all the players in a coop have a pet that boosts a minion. Example: everyone had a rabbit minion so it boosts farming minions


What if you place a summoning eye, trade someone else the sleeping eye, then you both leave. Who gets the summoning eye?


Myth: The ender bow ability is to shoot an ender pearl and upon landing it, it deals 10% of the max health of the mob (I think), so if you do this to a dragon when it’s on the floor, can you do 10% of its health using the ability?


Myth: what happens when u bid on a item on another profile then delete that profile?


I think for the savanna bow it means "bow deals +100% damage to all entities" not "doubles the damage stats of this bow"


Myth: Does the "Shiny Yellow Rock" actually have a 1 in a 1, 000, 000, 000 chance? Or is it a placebo?


Myth: Use the minion glitch with a farming minion to place dirt outside the border and see if you can:
- Use a hoe on it
- If you can use a hoe on it, can you plant seeds on it?
- Can you grow a pumpkin/melon on it from inside the placeable block area?
- Can you use a minion expander to place things 3 blocks outside the border?
- Can you place mini islands (roofed forest island, farming island etc) and have the island be outside the border?
- Can you place down the thing to summon the mini islands outside the border?
- Can you place entities like armour stands and the training dummy on blocks outside the border?
- Can you place minions on blocks outside the border? If so, how far can you go by chaining minions?
- Can you throw bridge eggs/stone platforms outside the border?
- I discovered a while back that if you throw a stone platform into the void it appears at the top of the world above then max world height. Could you show that in a video?
- I'm pretty sure cocoa bean minions will place jungle logs if they don't have any. Can you use that to get jungle logs above world height?
- Can sugar cane and cactus minions place sugar cane and cactus above world height?
- Can mob minions spawn mobs outside the border?
- If you use a minion expander to place 3 blocks outside the world border, can you run water off it and have water 4 blocks out of the border? Could you also use a lava stream to create more cobblestone outside the border? If you chained them for a while, how far out could you physically go?
- If you run 2 water streams off the edge of the private island with a block in the middle of them, they can create an infinite water source. Could you use this to hydrate soil inside the border for slightly more effective farming? Could you also slightly increase the farmable area with cobblestone and farming minions for cobblestone and dirt? Could you have an extra 3 blocks of dirt in each direction with minion expander minions, grow pumpkins on some of them, then use cobblestone minions to create a wall outside the border so you don't fall off, and then run dual water streams off the side every 8 blocks and use the space in between to have
lava streams to provide light to stop mobs spawning? Did I just reinvent the pumpkin, melon and sugar cane farming meta?
- If you need me to help test/explain these (I explained some of these a bit badly) my IGN is BouncySeal


Jerry Pet 100... Rip 3 weeks of combat grinding. That's my myth solved


Myth: can you craft a diamond spreading using scythe blades, since they are both skyblock items


All of these are like: “Dang, they probably didn’t think of that!”
When, in fact, they did think of that.


11:33 that same type of visual glitch happens with a spicy thick tacticians sword with full damage from combat collection, if you trade a 200dmg tacticians sword it will display 200dmg even if you may not have the full combat collection


Pigical the zombies work in colosseum, if you bow the players (anywhere) the zombies take agro and start going at them like the zombies did in the jingle bell test. Normally they do no dmg but they actually do in colo


Myth: what happens when you bid 50mil on my ah


Myth: When you trade a sleeping eye to another player and both leave the lobby, who will get the eye or will even someone get it.


when a savannah bow does more damage then your runaan's


does the true defence enchant double in the end with ender armour


Myth: what if u cancel a revenant quest than accept the same tier one again will u get the rewards + the combat xp to contribute to ur next boss?


Pigical : you can’t make a quartz block out of overflux capacitors because overflux capacitors are customs items

Also pigicial : you can cook grizzly bait into cooked salmon!

Me : wait what


So i recently ran into a bug where when i died with an obby chestplate and a bunch of onny in my chest, i spawned with 100% speed and then when i took out the obby from my inventory i dropped to 73% precent speed, maybe with a full inven of obby and some other pots and stuff you can get 0% or negative speed


5:53 it happened because the zombies were already enraged at you because u enraged them when you didnt have the talisman, so when you put it back into your inventory, the zombie still thought u as the one who enraged them.
