Leeland - Wait Upon the Lord (Official Live Video)

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Leeland - Wait Upon the Lord (Official Live Video)


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Wait Upon the Lord
Artist: Todd Mooring
Writers: Todd Mooring

#Leeland #WaitUponTheLord #BetterWord
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I'm from Indonesia🇮🇩, my father is ex muslim, He dreaming about Jesus several times, He decided to follow the King of kings, Hallelujah. There is salvation, peace, blessing, healing in the name of Jesus Amen. He will renew our life, God bless brother and sister in Christ all over the world


Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 🙌🏻


This song confirms everything God has been saying to me in the past 2 weeks. God says, ‘there is POWER in the waiting, there is power when you lean on me’. Love love love this song!


May the people watching this with depression and enxity etc, be renewed by the grace of the lord☝️👍🙏


Then the LORD asked Moses, "Who makes a person's mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD?"
Exodus 4:11


Whether we acknowledge it, see it, hear it, let it be known far and wide...The Lord God Jehovah is at work in the earth...but He needs your hands, your feet, your mouth, your heart . Heaven is counting on you to do your part ! Be Salt, Be Light !


Jesus is the One we worship.He is the One we turn to because He is The One who loves us and He is the One who is worthy of all praise. No matter what we go through He is the anchor to our souls.


This verse has been sung for years and the intimacy will never cease. I sang this at 18 years of age, at 65 I am still using it to enter My Father's presence. This denotes a very very intimate relationship between humanity and our loving Creator.


I need to wait. I am almost tearing up. I think it's high time we learn to wait, learn to stay, learn to yearn in spite of all the odds and negativities. There is some power in waiting, there is some peace in waiting, there is some release of creativity in waiting, there is strength in waiting, above all, God comes close like never before. I recently had to battle thoughts, fears, anxiety but each time I confessed it and told Him how I felt even ten or five minutes, I felt better, there is no place like waiting for Jesus and sometimes I wished I could stay with Him all day😩


Yes, I will wait
I will be still and know that You are God

Come on, let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

Come on, let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

Come on, let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

Come on, let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

Come on, let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

Come on, let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

As we wait
Wait on You
I can sing out a song
A song of expectation
A song of hope
That You will do all that You said You would do (through Your Son)
You're making all things new right now
Oh, You're turning things around right now
Come on
Life and death is placed in our tongue
Speak life into the atmosphere right now
He's working miracles
Oh, He's healing the broken hearted
Right now, as we wait
He's making all things new

I will wait
I will wait upon You, Jesus
As You fight all my battles
I will stand in the grace of God
Oh, in Your grace I can stand, Lord
You are the rock upon which I stand

Come on let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

Come on let's wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength

If we just wait upon the Lord
He will renew our strength


Our Lord God through His son Jesus please heal this world and lead us out of this worldwide pandemic COVID 19. HE is making all things great. Amen


I want to go to an event like this one day. I love these soft worshipping songs. I love them all. God bless these artists and their talents. Thank you lord for guiding them to sing for you. These songs really hit people hearts in an amazing way. Thank you Lord


Perfect song for these times.... Deliver us from Covid Lord!


I remember this night as if it was yesterday. A wonderful night of worship!


I'm Gbeve Caleb from Ghana I'm always dreaming to join a wonderful worship team like this


As you wait upon the Lord. Today. Your strength shall be renewed. You will rise up as eagles and fly. You run and not faint. He will answer your prayers. Amen.🙏


Come on let's wait upon the Lord. "Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He rises to show you compassion, for the LORD is a just God. Blessed are all who wait for Him."-Isaiah 30:18 "Wait patiently for the LORD; be strong and courageous." Psalm 27:14 "Rest in God alone, O my soul, for my hope comes from Him." Psalm 62:5


Such a blessing! Pray for Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina!


The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14
I will never leave you or forsake you.” Joshua 1:5
Declare over yourself: ‘God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.'” 2 Timothy 1:7
Under His wings you will find refuge.” Psalm 9:1
And the king will desire your beauty. Since he is your lord, bow to him Psalm 45:11
How beautiful you are.... Renew our Strength, and have MERCY


😭😭😭.. Dear God.. Renew my strength please..
