Mitsubishi melsec simple PLC Communication with Melsoft Navigator and System Simulator

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Here is the complete video guide for the Mitsubishi melsec simple PLC Communication with Melsoft Navigator and System Simulator. After watching this video you will easily be able to set up simple PLC Communication between multiple Melsec FX5U CPU`s.
The video show how the communication is used as a master slave system as well as a slave to slave system. By doing this task using the melsoft navigator you will have a lot of advantages. For instances ist the whole project located in just 1 easy to handle compact system. The HMI and servo drive programming can also be included in the melsoft navigator.
Further more you do have the whole tag managment in one system. That make it easy to program the interface between PLC and HMI Programming.

0:00 Introduction
0:30 What will be the task in this video
1:02 Configure the Network Configuration in the Melsoft Navigator
4:25 Reflect Parameters for Melsoft Navigator into the according Programm GXWorks 3
5:34 Another PLC is implementend in Time Lapse
7:16 Renaming the Nodes in the Network Configuration
8:10 Beginning of the Simple PLC Communication from FX5U as a Master
9:11 Where is the Setting for the Communication located in GXWorks3
12:39 Starting the Melsoft System Simulator with 3 PLC's
17:20 Receiving Register Data written from the Slaves into the Master PLC
21:41 Writing and Reading Register from one slave to another without using the Master PLC
26:40 Thank you leave a like and subscribe

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Zeller Presscontrol Systems
Gerd Zeller
Tel. +49 170 961 6819
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A whole guide to program the mitsubishi simple plc communication fron a to z. Watch the whole video and you will know in this a short time how it is done.


I didn't simulate, do we have to connect the plc through the switch hub in order to use it?


I doesn't have melsoft navigation software... can you make it in other way, using q series plc and ethernet protocol?
