Stabbed 20x to Head, Neck & Torso - But She Did It Herself? | The Disturbing Case of Ellen Greenberg

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In 2011, 27-year-old Ellen Greenberg was found dead in her apartment after sustaining 20 stab wounds. Her cause of death according to law enforcement? Self-inflicted. But was this really self-inflicted, or is there more to the story, as her family believes?

A very special thank you to Ellen’s parents Joshua and Sandee Greenberg for joining us on today’s episode. Justice for Ellen!

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Stabbed 20x to Head, Neck & Torso - But She Did It Herself? | The Disturbing Case of Ellen Greenberg
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A very special thank you to Ellen’s parents Joshua and Sandee Greenberg for joining us on today’s episode. Justice for Ellen!


911 operator: what’s the emergency?
The husband: listen to my alibi first.


The way that he immediately assumed she stabbed herself. Not, "oh my god theres a knife in her chest", but "oh my god she stabbed herself" thats an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG to me.


I hate the fact that if you are seeing a mental health specialist, it automatically makes you suicidal. It’s just so unfair. Not everybody that seeks out help is suicidal. I really hope the parents get the justice they need ❤


When he calls 911, he isn’t emotional about her being dead, her just starts going over his story of what happened. Didn’t seem natural at all


„Can you do CPR?“ „I guess I have to?“ 😳 wow, what?!


27:19 “he said her fingers were blue” but on the 911 call he said her hands were still warm… this was no way a suicide. Ellen and her family deserve justice 💔


ANY doctor, prosecutor, or "expert" that would label this a suicide should be permanently fired and even arrested for a cover up this blatant.


The fact the cops agreed that someone stabbed themselves in the back of their own neck 20 times is past anything my brain can comprehend


She was murdered!!! Thank god her parents keep fighting!!! That’s amazing I hope they get justice!


That is the most asinine thing I've ever heard! Who the hell commits suicide by stabbing themselves 20 times?! 🙄


I have no idea how someone who was stabbed in the head and neck 20 times would ever even be considered a suicide let alone ruled one definitively. It’s not even physically possible.


Stabbed multiple times in the back including the BRAIN? How the hell could this be suicide? CRAZY. INCOMPETENT.


He said "she stabbed herself" with that mildly surprised voice someone has when a package is delivered. So unnatural.


Red Flag - you start giving evidence (of what happened / what you were doing) instead of saying - "Send an ambulance, she is bleeding out!!!"


the fiancé needs to be put behind bars where he belongs. God bless Ellens beautiful strong parents🙏 Justice for Ellen!🙏


My theory based on those text messages. He was an abusive boyfriend. Just because she told no one does not mean it was not happening. The aggression in that text message " You better have a good excuse", he broke in they got into an argument he lost his shit and killed her. Left the apartment and began staging. You find your finance in a puddle of blood and your first two calls are to an attorney? Nope they told him what to do. NO ONE was there to prove that door was locked from the inside. He locked the door walked out and broke the door down


I'm so thankful people aren't letting this case go. It needs to keep being talked about


When he called 911, he told his story, not hers.
He was polite and patient with the operator.
He didn’t seem to want to do CPR - “I have to, right?”

Dude did it.


"Oh no. She stabbed herself."
That whole 911 call sounds like a 5 year old trying to convince you he didnt eat the cookie thats all over his face.
