ATV Rules - 5 Mistakes Offroad riders make!

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We all like to rider different, however, there are certain ATV rules of the trail that all offroad riders should try to follow, and certain mistakes Riders make that they should try and avoid.

Watch our initial ATV Trail Etiquette video

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There are so many amazing public (and private) trails to enjoy riding with your ATV or Side by Side. By not thinking of other riders, however, can not only be dangerous but also ruin the enjoyment for many people. That is why every so often we discuss some rules of the trail that can be important to remember when out riding.

About a year and a half ago, we did our first video on ATV Trail Etiquette. For this version of mistakes riders make, we took the top 5 comments from that video to discuss rules of the trail that riders should keep in mind.

#1: Passing with Loud Exhaust and Music

When out on the trails you often come across other riders. These riders may just be moving slowly or stopped on the side of the road. When approaching, remember to slow down and turn the music down. This is two-fold, by slowing down your exhaust will become quieter, and it will also help keep dust and rocks from kicking up on other riders. While some enjoy loud music and exhaust, others don't. So slowing down and turning the music down is a curtesy to the riders around you.

#2 Waiting for other Riders at Turns

This one can be more and more important the bigger your riding group is. The idea is simple, when approaching a turn, stop at the turn, look behind you, and make sure the rider coming up next see's where you turn. Whether to avoid dust or just to get space, we all often like to spread out along the trail. Waiting at the turn ensure the rider coming up next does not miss the turn and goes the wrong way.

#3 Parking Lot Racers

This one is all too common and just outright dangerous. When in and around the trailhead, slow down. That might seem obvious, but riders get excited to get out on the trail or back to their trailer and tend to go way too fast. That's not even accounting for those that just don't care and speed around in areas they shouldn't. A lot is happening at a trailhead parking lot, so we should all make sure to slow down and be aware of everything happening around us at the trailhead.

#4 Don't Drink and Ride

I hesitate to bring this one up because every rider has heard it many times. Sadly, it's still a big problem, however. So the message is simple. Please don't drink and ride. Save the drinks for after the ride (If it's legal for you!) when everyone can relax and talk about the great day they had riding.

#5 Trail riding without lights

This is the one I always screw up on. I seem to forget all too often to turn my lights on when riding the trails. When someone notices and tells me, I gladly turn them on. While many riders prefer you to ride with your lights on, its actually a law in every state I am aware of. So even if you aren't doing it for other riders, you should at least do it for yourself.

So there we have it, the 5 most common complaints from riders that they wish others would follow (or at least the top 5 not discussed last time). Number 1 is still all the trash some riders leave behind, but have already covered that one....but seriously, pick up your trash, please!

Let's hear your thoughts, leave a comment below with the biggest mistake you see other riders make out on the trail. As always, thanks for watching, and I hope to see you on the trail!
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Came here for exactly what the title says. I got a riders etiquette video instead 🤦🏻‍♂️


I'll add one: do not trespass on private property and that includes farmland. If you choose to go on a farmland without permission, please stay on what appears to be the tractor path. Thanks guys, ride safe!


If you see someone in trouble HELP them! We were stuck in a really bad spot and were trying to winch out. Someone road up, looked at us turned around and drove off!


Im a younger teen and just bought a new Utv all for myself.. I stumbled onto your channel about trails in Minnesota. I rode on a Atv myself before I bought one myself. This is really helpful.


I've also been a headlight offender up until very recently, now I'll turn them on whenever I see other vehicles on the trail. Sometimes even when I don't.

I think my biggest pet peeve is with the trash! I can't for the life of me think why someone would just dump it anywhere they feel. You take it in, you take it out!


Right on! Great list. Don't know how I haven't stumbled into your channel till just now but fellow mn rider here and one of my complaints is people not staying on the marked trails! We need more trails out here and people riding off the marked trail is one of the biggest points people use against us as the off-road community here for getting new trails built.
Would love to hit the trails with you around here some day! Nemadji, red top, and all the systems along the north shore are great places to rip around. Also the iron range area with the ohv Park and all the trails up there out side the park will give you days worth of great scenic riding!!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks safety is absolutely paramount. This activity is already dangerous and we are trying our best to model to our kids out there.


As the founder of our atv club now retired from running it i always pound into people headlights and stop wait for next person at turns lol always but always ask everyone use lights 100 % you can see other riders way better coming at you when they on way safer . I hate that people drink drive toss garbage all over steady picking up cans or trash but odds are never get rid those type people :(


Great vid Chris 👍 All good topics to discuss. Personally, I ride with my lights on everywhere. Hairpin corners are especially bad because people feel they need to speed in these areas.


I would agree with this list and the only thing I might add would be to ride with space when in groups so hopefully no one is crashing into each other! I ride a Honda Rancher 4x4 and while I’m sure it has good brakes, This machine I figure like probably all others sold today has so much compression I never need the brakes to slow down or even stop fast which means you won’t get a brake light! That’s why extra riding space is very important, but in truth I’m just an old guy who rides slow anyway so I’d probably never be in front of anybody anyways!


Lol I feel this with sledding never been on a quad trail in my life as my backyard has plenty of room but in the mountains I get all of this


Great video! I just never turn off my headlights, so they just turn on when i start it up!


Great video. You nailed it on every topic


My wife and I love watching your videos. And you didn’t disappoint this time either. Great stuff! Oh yeah, could you help me convince my wife that we need a SxS? That would be great, thanks.😂


Good video keep up the good work . I try to say the same thing on my FB page we need to support the sport of ATVING the right way . Let's clean up the sport and ride right .


I drink n smoke n definitely don't while riding! It's just the right thing to do. As a kid I have n it never goes well your absolutely right should just drink after the ride. This whole vid is on point!!


We need more safety videos just like this way to go dude


what do you need to get a trail permit in canada? and what do you need ?


Hey nice vids you were in my recommendation you get a sub


I also use a red rear blinkie that I use when I ride my bike on the path. Great attention getter. It's not a pet peeve, but just something I personally do.
