12 Things you should not DO or SAY when you are in Slovakia as a foreigner | Cultural Taboos

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Hi Guys! In this video, I am sharing with you guys some of the Cultural Taboos in Slovakia that I have learned after living here for more than a year.

As usual guys, these are all based on my experiences as a foreigner, you may or may not agree with me and I will totally respect that.

12 Things you should not DO or SAY when you are in Slovakia as a foreigner | Cultural Taboos


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We have split in 1993 and not 2003 and velvet revolution was in 1989 ;) otherwise the video was quite accurate and cute as always


Konečne sa niekto zaujíma aj o náš jazyk🤣.
Ide ti to super👍


Giving even number of flowers is offensive because we are putting even number of flowers on graves! 🤭


My dad unexpectedly died this week, but he really enjoyed watching your videos and your positive personality. So thank you for entertaining him his last few weeks on Earth and keep doing what you were doing :)


No ako úprimne keby ku mne príde návšteva a zamieri si to k chladničke a niečo odtiaľ vyberie tak ich v momente vyhodim z domu 😂 príde mi to maximálne neslušné 🙈


Just a few history facts:
– Slovakia was part of Hungarian empire between the 10th century and 1918. During this period, Slovak language and national identity was somewhere between "ignored" and "actively oppressed".
– Between 1918 and 1939, Slovakia was part of the first Czechoslovak Republic, which also included Zakarpattia, now part of Ukraine.
– In 1939, Slovakia split from Czechoslovakia and formed nazi Slovak state (it was either that or direct occupation by Germany).
– In 1945, democratic Czechoslovakia was reformed, but without the Zakarpattia region, which was taken by Soviet Union. Most of the Czechoslovakia was liberated by Soviet Red army, only regions of western Bohemia (including Plzeň city) were liberated by western allies (US Army), but were quickly abandoned by western allies to comply with spheres of influence agreed on before (on Yalta conference and others).
– In 1946 elections, Comunist party of Czechoslovakia got over 30 % and was the most powerful party. However, it formed a coalition government with other parties. The country was under direct Soviet influence and *I think* the Red army was still present in Czechoslovakia during this time.
– In February 1948, communists overthrew the coalition government and the comunist Czechoslovakia was formed under direct Soviet influence, other political parties were either banned, or incorporated into the Comunist party of Czechoslovakia.
– In November 1989, the so-called "velvet revolution" began in Praha culminating in Václav Havel (formerly persecuted dissident) becoming the president of Czechoslovakia on 29th of December 1989 and in democratic elections in June 1990.
– In summer 1992, the representatives of Czech (Václav Klaus) and Slovak (Vladimír Mečiar) government agreed on splitting Czechoslovakia to two independent states on 31st of December 1992. I would say that support for the split by the general public was 50/50. The pro-split propaganda was based on stereotypes: Czechs claiming that they have to support less developed, less industrialized and more agricultural Slovakia and Slovaks claiming that they don't receive enough recognition and independence by Praha based government.
– On 1st of January 1993, the Czech republic and the Slovak republic were formed. This was the most peaceful split following the end of comunist regime (especially compared to Yugoslavia wars between 1991 and 2001).


Nikdy nehovorte Slovákom, že Matovič je normálny🤣


Btw... We are not just central europe but heart of europe... :)


Mi Slováci nemáme radi keď si cudzí človek ktorý prišiel na návštevu pozerá izby alebo súkromné veci.


I think we usually bring presents to 1. new friends or acquaintances, etc.
2. someone whom we haven't seen for a long time
3. friends, family, etc. in their new home
But if you visit friends/family quite frequently, it's not necesarry. It also depends on the level of your relationship. I think🤔😁
Great video❤👍🏻❤


So do you guys agree on my observations? Or maybe you wanna add more? Tell me! 😊

P. S. I was wrong, Czech and Slovakia split on January 1, 1993. Don't know why I added 10 years! Hahaha 😂😂😂


In Slovakia, we consider it rude to give someone a pair number of flowers. Because in Slovakia, a pair number of flowers is given only on graves, and if you gave someon a pair number of flowers, they could be offended, because it would mean that you consider him dead or near death. But beware! This rule does not apply to roses. Roses are the only flowers you can donate in a pair. Because they are considered romantic and are usually donated in the number of 12 pieces.


2:58 I am glad you directly said that our language and culture was actively suppressed by them, which is really true. We cant forget that even today.


Do chladničky hostiteľa sa NELEZIE!A skús poprosiť manžela, aby ti vysvetlil význam slova "humus" na Slovensku:)Som vegetariánka, hummus jem bežne, ale samej mi ten názov asociuje niečo iné:)


If you ever come to Serbia you have to know that eveything is like in Slovakia, I mean about flower, fridge, home slipers, visits


I think that taking shoes off is fine and logical. Just imagine when someone visits you on a rainy day and he/she bring water and mud to your house. My father never takes his shoes off. Even when it's a rainy day. Cleaning mud from a carpet is not that funny. In my opinion not taking shoes off is rude if the host does not ask you to keep them.


Someone makes a, ,joke,,: Slovakia? You mean upper Hungary?
Me: *holds a knife* What did you just said?


I am from slovakia and i want you warm that we didn't split in 2003 but in 1992 on december 31. In 2003 we brcame part of NATO. Sorry if i have in my coment gramer mistake.


Polka týchto faktov bola vlastne o tom, že cudzinci ani nevedia kde sa Slovensko nachádza 😂😂


Hej no..párny počet kvetov sa dáva len na pohreb😂😂
