MS. MARVEL Episode 1 Quick Thoughts | IS THIS ACTUALLY GOOD?? #Shorts

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Ms. Marvel is the latest MCU series to kick off on Disney Plus, so lets see if Marvel Studios has another win with this new cosmic character
Synopsis: MS. MARVEL - Kamala is a superhero fan with an imagination, particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel; Kamala feels like she doesn't fit in at school and sometimes even at home, that is until she gets superpowers like the heroes she's looked up to.
Let me know your thoughts on MS. MARVEL!
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Synopsis: MS. MARVEL - Kamala is a superhero fan with an imagination, particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel; Kamala feels like she doesn't fit in at school and sometimes even at home, that is until she gets superpowers like the heroes she's looked up to.
Let me know your thoughts on MS. MARVEL!
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