The Jewish Trinity & The Angel of the Lord - (Part 2 of 3)

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Welcome to another Episode of Ring Them Bells.
The Mystery of The Jewish Trinity (Part 2 of 3)
"The Angel and the Name of the Lord"
The Doctrine of the Trinity has divided the body of the church for thousands of years.
Even to the point of bloodshed...
This series is designed to empower believers. We want to unite the church to not only learn about the Trinity but also learn to humble ourselves with this knowledge of God.
The Seedbed of the Trinity is the Godhead of the Hebrew Scriptures.
We will seek to show biblically how Ancient Jewish Believers saw ONE Yahweh but TWO powers in Heaven. This combined with stories of God's Spirit acting separately in creation in other stories gives us the foundation of the Jewish Trinity.
The apostles were not inventing things when they thought that God could be a man or exist in three persons.
Thesis Statement- Early Christianity did not Invent the Trinity.The Seedbed of the Trinity is the Godhead of the Hebrew Scriptures.
God is a MYSTERY.
Any knowledge of God that does not lead us to love our neighbor as ourselves isn't knowledge at all, it is pride.
Lets Dance!
The Beginning is NEAR!



UNSEEN REALM DOCUMENTARY -directed by @ReubenEvans

#trinity #fathersonholyspirit #jewish #tanakh #angelofthelord #nameofgod #oldtestament #pray #grace #believe #lapat #salvation #scriptures #thirdkamikaze #jewish #israel #judaism #jew #jerusalem #torah #kosher #jewishlife #shabbat #jews #shabbatshalom #israeli #hebrew #judaica #jewishculture #jewishfood #shalom #jewishholidays #love #jewishgirl #jewishcommunity #jewishhistory #jewishart #jewishpride #christian #trump #jewishwedding #synagogue #jewishwomen #jewishmemes#nologuemusic # #worship #cross #amen #sin #thegospel #thebible #repentance #trust #thecross #believer #s #praying #ninebynine #praise #forgiven #sinner #christjesus #agentsmith #gospels
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"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." - 1 Timothy 3:16


This series must be opening a lot of eyes. I've tried to talk to my Bible study family about Dr Heiser's teachings, but they look at me like I'm out of my mind.

It doesn't bother me that they think I'm looney, it bothers me that they don't want to know more about the truth. They follow a god of their own making. I pray that their eyes are opened, because what is coming is hard. They need to stop shutting out the true supernatural of The Lord Who Sees Us.


Praise be to our LORD Yeshua the Anointed one for forgiveness and grace. Amen. 🙂🙏✝️✡🕎❤🇮🇱🇺🇸


WOW, your videos are getting better and better :) Nice God Bless


Thank you so much, now I understand better the power within Jesus Name.Blessings.I like your videos very much.


Hey Jason 👋🏻 - I love the stuff you’re putting out. Thanks for all your work, your honesty and your courage to be a voice that stands apart from the mainstream narrative. I’ve been on a really similar journey to yours and I LOVE what you’re sharing. Could I send you an email or private message somehow? I’ve got a couple questions I want to run by you.


Why do you use “two powers”? There is one all mighty. Christ and His Spirit are included in the Father’s authority as the same One. Christ Jesus is Himself worshipped as God! ..because He is One with God. Not a lesser power. Jesus is seated on the very throne of God= to God because He is the very God YHWH who “appeared” to men throughout scripture. Therefore, we proclaim that “Jesus is Lord”🕊️


If the trinity divides the church and causes pain and death then its not of God!


The only way to bring unity& fellowship with God & Jesus & ourselves is to get rid of the trinity as a false doctrine & stop ear bashing people about the trinity which has caused a lot of problems, as you said believers have lost their lives because of it!
To be honest not only does the OT not teach the trinity, nor does the NT either. Both the old & new testament are in harmony in teaching the doctrine of God manifestation rather than the idea of the trinity!


Spirit of God in the fire that spoke to Moses
Angel of God who came before Abraham
Alpha and omega in all his glory .

But God's chosej interactions with mankind is written in the world around us. Objective, subjective and idealogical awareness of this.
Mass, energy and mind. Past, present and future.
These are explored by all, the Egyptian, mosaic 1st temple kadokite Judaism, athens Greece, the triality of self epistemology is built upon it, the tripartite nature of man that is just cause for this unification to occur in salvation.
God who is not magically woven in the fabric of universe like paganism but rather he starts unveiling himself as acting upon and moving through his creation at his discretion and this is why he would want us to understand the need to incarnate his own creation so that we can know the reestablished authority of all these 3 things. The network and communication of this new church age of knowledge was upon us that we live in now.


YHWH cannot be the God as man Yeshua. That would mean He is an ego centric God who does not trust anybody to have helped with His plan of salvation. Yeshua is the son of God which means He is the angel at YHWH's right hand and Psalm 82 YHWH recons angels as elohim. YEHOSHUWAH does have the name of God within his name but human beings have YHWH's name in Hebrewic numerical value 26, written on the bridges of their DNA. Changing your DNA by replacing it with a synthetic RNA strand, blots out your name from the book of life. The book you yourself writes everyday by living.


If you wanna understand the Trinity, you have to go to the most profound sources in Christianity, like the gnostic texts from Nag Hammadi, for instance, particularly the apocriphon of John.

The true Trinity is composed of Father, Mother and Child, like the regular earthly family. As above so below. The "Father" (a patriarchal term) is the One and only God, having many attributes, but no gender. But then "he" manifests through the Trinity. So, for that purpose (and if you wanna stick to gender verbiage), next comes the "Mother", the second aspect of the Godhead, aka Barbelo or the androgynous Holy Spirit (because it's actually a syzygy, a masculine and feminine pair, where the feminine part is called Sophia). And finally, comes the perfected Divine Child, aka Autogenes, who is the third aspect of the divine trinity and also a syzygy, that is, an androgynous being in its own consciousness (not to be taken to physicality, like in the hybrid/hermaphrodite Satan, the cheap imitator of Christ).

Consequently, the perfected Divine Child, an androgynous being with no specific gender, may then encarnate in human form as a "Son" or as a "Daughter" of God. Thus, Jesus, the Christ - Christ is thus a title and comes from the Greek "Christos", meaning "the anointed one" - because he happened to be a male, became known as the Son of God, but he had an androgynous awareness. Jesus, the Christ, was actually the living archetypal figure, living in human form, following the lineage of archetypal only figures, like Dionysus or Horus. They all represent the same archetypal reality called Autogenes by the gnostics, which is actually the Christos-Sophia syzygy. This syzygy is in reality another trinity, because you have the yin inside of if, the yang, and something more than the sum of the two, that belongs to the original One.

Jesus came to shows us the way to equilibrium, which is through the feminine archetype (give the other cheek, remember?) untill we reach an androgynous awareness like he had. As a matter of fact, many sculptures representing ancient gods are actually depicted as being hermaphrodites, but the true intention behind that was to highlight their psychological androgyny. The Louvre in Paris has a breasted ivory engravement of Jesus, and Akhenaten has such depictions also. Besides, when it comes to Judaism, El-Shaddai actually means "God, the breasted one" (from 'shad', which literally means 'breast'). The problem with Judaism is that they only kept the "El" part, related to power, and lost the feminine counterpart, related with life. So, the religious patriarchy, morphed the androgynous whole God into the degenerate masculine Yahweh of the Old Testament (aka the Torah or the Tanak), which is none other than the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth (aka Cronos or Saturn), represented by the Kabba in Israel, the black cube, itself a symbol of Saturn, being revered in their Shabbat at Saturdays, the day of Saturn.

As a hint from the gnostic gospel of Thomas: “When you make the two become one; and when you make the inside as it is on the outside, and the outside as it is inside; and the high as the low. And if you make man and woman one, so that man is no longer a man and the woman is no longer a woman; then you will enter the Kingdom”. As you might already have guessed, this mistery is not about gender ideologies. Androgyny is in the realm of consciousness, being a Christos-Sophia (Autogenes) attribute, whereas hybridization and hermaphroditism is related to the physical plane. LGBTQ movements are constituted by individuals who cannot understand the difference and can only live the underlying reality by projecting it onto the physical plane. They thus become hermaphrodite like Satan, because they are regressive and invert the true meaning of evolution, threading the way to devolution.

It is a good thing when jews recognize Jesus as the true Messiah and saviour, but they are wrong when they say Jesus was a jew. Jesus was never a jew, he was a Galilean not a Judean. Besides, he also radically opposed the jewish Talmudic culture that the pharisees were upholding (John 3:44). Jesus actually came to upgrade the Hebrew Torah with the New Testament. In fact, Cain, the jealous and perverted Adam&Eve older son, being an archetypal figure, can also be identified as the older Jewish religion and culture, which, incidentally, has been killing Abel ever since, who represents the following Christian religion and values. Cain even killed Abel's highest representative, Jesus. For that reason, he was condemn to wander the Earth untill the return of the Messiah. Every true Hebrew of the lost 12 tribes knows this and accepts his fate, on account of what happened and out of respect for God's will. But the zionist jews defend the state of Israel, that only exists through its apartheid regime and its extreme genocidal violence upon the Palestinians, the true owners of Jerusalem.

It is curious to see that, like other jews who also stand for Christ, such as rabbi Jonathan Cahn or rabbi Kirt Scheneider (both zionists), for example, all the jewish folks keep stubbornly following the patriarchal Torah, which Jesus came to reform, almost never mentioning the New Testament or even Jesus, although one might correctly argue that the New Testament and Jesus' teachings (like their Torah, for that matter) were all subverted and along the way by the Roman Catholicism and Judaism. This patriarchal bias and bs is the reason why their interpretation of the Holy Trinity sucks. They don't understand the first thing and the first mistery of Jesus' teachings. According to them, there is the Father in Heaven, then the Son as his representative on Earth, and last the unfathomable Holy Spirit that unites the two. There it goes again, the patriarchal formula, they just can't help it. There are two masculine characters in their fake trinity, plus another one with the sex of the angels. Well, that's a lot of patriarchal crap. Where is the Shekina, Sophia, Eve, Zoe, Noreia, Ashera, Esther, Isis, Lilith, Pammeter, the Great Mother, and so on and so forth, gone? They all disappeared from the equation, everyone single one of them surgically removed from the Torah, the Kabbalah and the Bible.

The real problem with the jewish deeply ingrained patriarchal culture and religion, which increasingly pervaded Christianity, throughout the centuries, is that it leads to increased secular narcissism. Toxic and agressive narcissism, and also satanism, always stems from the degenerate masculine archetype, which came about through patriarchy and the predominant use of the rational masculine mind function, to the detriment of feminine feelings and emotions. Narcisism is the true original sin, which comes with the birth of the ego. So, it is not enough to condemn narcissism and satanism, when one does not eradicate the root cause of it, which is the absence of the feminine in the deeply ingrained patriarchal culture and religion.

Besides, this huge problem also leads to people becoming more and more stupid, by lack of symbolic capacity, because it all comes down from the false trinity people follow. As Hegel told us, there is the thesis, the antithesis and the synthesis. One cannot make the synthesis in one's mind, most particularly the jews, because the antithesis, the feminine archetype, is totally absent from the trinitarian reasoning process they follow. This leads to interpretations of the Torah which are all inverted to their own bigot ends, like history interpretations also. These consequences are all disastrous. For instance, they cannot fathom the real meaning of the return of the Jews to Israel, which homecoming is not to be taken literary, as it is only symbolic, a metaphor. To return home simply means to repent, as the Hebrew root word is the same. So they're doing the same they accuse others (and the devil) of doing, which is to completely invert reality, thus naively or purposefully justifying the carnage perpetrated by Israel upon the Palestinians, because they want to forcefully have a phisical home to return to.

Unfortunately, not even the majority of the so-called Christians understood the real message of Christ to this day, much less the Jews with their extroverted, material and narcissistic culture, a merchant and usury culture, typically American, but which spilled all over the world, totally unable of true symbolic reasoning and taking everything to the literal-visible side of things. They are very far from being the chosen people (actually the last ones), because they have an archetypal cancer with them, in their mind. Both predatory Capitalism and Marxism are jewish jobs, if we take their mindset to politics and economics. As everyone knows, Marx was a jew, is real name was Moses Mordecai Levi. And if one removes the superficial aspects from these ideologies, we see that they both are based on envy and greed, and they both use rationality for materialistic and utilitarian purposes only. This is not being anti-semitic at all, as the problem is not the flesh but the spirit. People just have to repent and really convert to Christ.

Adrian Boldman
