How To Find Out Who You Are and Your Purpose in Life - 5 Minute Clarity Exercise!

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How To Find Out Who You Are and Your Purpose in Life. How to discover your talents and strengths...This morning I woke up and read a little bit of Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I was inspired to sit down with a pen and piece of paper and start writing what came to my mind. After writing three lists of things I know about myself I was surprised to find I had created for myself an extremely eye-opening and valuable exercise that has helped me find my voice as a human being. I felt this is something I wanted to share for here you go!

Step 1. Make a quick list of your aptitudes (your natural talents and things you are good at)

Step 2. Make a quick list of your specialized knowledge (training, expertise, things you know about or how to do)

Step 3. Make a quick list of your core philosophies (what do you believe, your world views, beliefs about money, love, etc.)

Watch the video and I'll walk you through the exercise and explain!


how to find out my purpose in life
finding one's purpose in life
finding one's purpose
how to find out who you are
how to find out who you really are
how to discover your talents
how to find your talent
find your purpose quiz
finding your passion
finding your purpose in life
how do you find your purpose in life
how to find your life purpose
how to find your purpose in life
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Finally! Something that really makes sense. Not a bunch of inane, platitudes. Just a good straight-forward process that works. Thank you!


1. List of Natural Gifts
2. List of Learned Skills
3. List of Core Beliefs

Love it! 🥰


three minutes in to your video and i already have so much in common with you. Its both awesome and a little scary.


Going on my knees praying and fasting is how I find purpose! Having a personal relationship with Yeshua Ha Massiach my Redeemer that brings my to Yehovah Tzevahot our Abba.


My friends (fake names):
Naomy: Good at drawing
Sera: Good at drawing
Bekie: Good at drawing and everything
Taylor: Amazing writer

I’m nothing...


I followed your 3 step plan and I am one of those who has to rethink everything and find that by the time I am finished rethinking I have talked myself right out of it (looking at everycase scenerio) However in writing it all down I discovered a few things about myself and what I came up with is that it's somehow all related to my voice and no not singing lol thank it is a start!!!


@ 6:10 in you said "I Learn more from the process of Teaching than even Learning".. Most men live a lifetime and never discover this truth.. you are a wise young man who will grow wiser w/each encounter.. because you have learned the secret of giving yourself to others & how it empowers us beyond our capacity to even articulate what has occurred when we do.. keep pouring out and you will keep filling .. ;)


First of all I just want to say I love your tone of voice - calm but focused... And secondly just want to thank you - I also read Think and Grow Rich but somehow missed this exercise - did it now and it gave me so much clarity en peace.. Thanx bro*


"Gratitude is the true source of happiness"


You seem like a very kind soul. That can be part of your talents aswell: your softness, gentleness, warmth, your empathy... :)


One of the first things we should do is get before our creator and ask him what he created us to do.
Then, be quite & listen for his answer.
This video was very helpful to get these things on paper that we can think about our aptitude’s
skills & interest. And become better acquainted with our particular design & then purpose.


Do people not realize that THINK AND GROW RICH is a TONED-DOWN version of Napoleon Hills law of success in sixteen lessons? Listen or read the original they pulled it off the shelf back then because they knew how accurate it was and then put out the toned down version which is think and grow rich. Forget the second one, read or listen to the original!!


God lays this out too.. kudos to those who follow this advice. Get going for your purpose.. every single person has a gift of some talent..


So I got up at 330 am and did my meditation. On an inspired thought, I searched for a video like this. For whatever reason I chose this video and I'm glad I did. On surface we look very different but when you started describing natural gifts, I knew why I was suppose to watch this video. thank you for this video it has helped me this morning on my journey to greatness.


I lucked out, this guy landed in my life last year and now hes my business partner and I get access to his advice 24-7 I should be paying him because hes the real deal. Love this video man


your an empath perhaps, you think like me, think things thru planning, your safety is in your planning which makes you very wise in the sense of your talents, love what you do


With all the stuff I do i find im generic with just about everything I do. I dont feel special in anyway and seem like I can never ready the heights of things I want to do i always fall short or just behind everyone else


The thing is there’s nothing that I am good at and it really makes me feel like my life is pointless


step 1:find your talents and what I'm good


I like the "lock pick" approach to problem solving...there's always a way. Great description.
