ICBC London Breached: The Hunters Ransomware Claims Attack

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The ransomware group Hunters International has claimed responsibility for a major data breach at one of China's largest state-owned banks, ICBC London.
The ransomware group known as Hunters International hacked into the London branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, or ICBC, stealing a massive 6.6 terabytes of sensitive customer data.

For those unfamiliar, ICBC is the largest bank in the world by assets and handles financial information for millions of individuals and businesses globally. So a breach of this scale poses serious risks.

According to the cybercriminals, they were able to infiltrate ICBC’s network and exfiltrate over 5.2 million files containing personal records like names, addresses, ID documents and of course financial records like account balances and transaction histories. They then placed a 13-day ransom deadline on the bank, threatening to leak this stolen data public if their monetary demands weren’t met.

Hunters International is a sophisticated ransomware group that emerged after the takedown of another criminal operation called Hive. They’re known to use advanced malware like the SharpRhino RAT which allows remote access and control of infected systems. This gives them stealth to move laterally within corporate networks and maintain persistence.

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