Gryffin - Tie Me Down (slowed+reverb+lyrics)

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#Gryffin #slowed #reverb #lyrics #ElleyDuhé



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~ indonesian lyrics 🇮🇩 ~

Jangan bohong, aku tahu kamu sudah memikirkannya
Don't lie, I know you've been thinking it

Dan dua kali, Anda membiarkannya terlepas dari bibir Anda
And two times, you let it slip from your lips

Kamu terlalu sombong untuk membuat janji
You've got too much pride to make any promises

Berpikir bahwa kita punya waktu, dan Anda ingin menyimpannya
Thinking that we got time, and you want to keep it in

Aku ingin kamu keluar di tengah hujan lebat
I want you out in the pouring rain

Saya ingin Anda berlutut
I want you down on your knees

Berdoa kepada Tuhan agar aku merasakan hal yang sama
Prayin' to God that I feel the same

Aku di sini, sayang, jadi tolong
I'm right here, baby, so please

Pegang aku, ikat aku
Hold me up, tie me down

Karena aku tidak pernah ingin pergi dari sisimu
'Cause I never wanna leave your side

Bersumpah untuk tidak pernah mengecewakanmu
Swear to never let you down

Dan itu telah memakanku hidup-hidup
And it's been eatin' me alive

Kamu bisa mengantarku pulang
You can take me home

Anda tidak akan pernah bisa membiarkan saya pergi
You can never let me go

Pegang aku, pegang aku
Hold me up, hold me up

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun (turun)
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun
And tie me, tie me down, down

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun (turun)
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun
And tie me, tie me down, down

Sembilan hidup sampai kamu jatuh di kakiku
Nine lives until you fall at my feet

Jangan bersembunyi, Anda membuang-buang energi Anda
Don't hide, you're wasting your energy

Kamu tidak malu, jadi sayang, itu tidak berguna
You're not shy, so baby, it's useless

Jadi jangan coba-coba, karena pada akhirnya kamu akan kalah
So don't try, 'cause you'll end up losin' it

Aku ingin kamu keluar di tengah hujan lebat
I want you out in the pouring rain

Saya ingin Anda berlutut
I want you down on your knees

Berdoa kepada Tuhan agar aku merasakan hal yang sama
Prayin' to God that I feel the same

Aku di sini, sayang, jadi tolong
I'm right here, baby, so please

Pegang aku, ikat aku
Hold me up, tie me down

Karena aku tidak pernah ingin pergi dari sisimu
'Cause I never wanna leave your side

Bersumpah untuk tidak pernah mengecewakanmu
Swear to never let you down

Dan itu telah memakanku hidup-hidup
And it's been eatin' me alive

Kamu bisa mengantarku pulang
You can take me home

Anda tidak akan pernah bisa membiarkan saya pergi
You can never let me go

Pegang aku, pegang aku
Hold me up, hold me up

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun (turun)
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun
And tie me, tie me down, down

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun (turun)
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun
And tie me, tie me down, down

Jadi lingkarkan tanganmu di dadaku
So wrap your arms around my chest

Dan aku akan melingkarkan tanganku di lehermu
And I'll put my hands around your neck

Karena tidak ada yang memenangkan permainan menunggu ini
'Cause nobody wins these waiting games

Anda mendorong dan menarik, tetapi Anda harus tetap
You push and you pull, but you should stay


Pegang aku, ikat aku
Hold me up, tie me down

Karena aku tidak pernah ingin pergi dari sisimu
'Cause I never wanna leave your side

Bersumpah untuk tidak pernah mengecewakanmu
Swear to never let you down

Dan itu telah memakanku hidup-hidup
And it's been eatin' me alive

Kamu bisa mengantarku pulang
You can take me home

Anda tidak akan pernah bisa membiarkan saya pergi
You can never let me go

Pegang aku, pegang aku
Hold me up, hold me up

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun (turun)
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun
And tie me, tie me down, down

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun (turun)
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)

Dan ikat aku, ikat aku, turun
And tie me, tie me down, down

Turun, turun
Down, down


Keep strong, Show people who have insulted you / belittle you that you can be successful!💗


g tau knp lebih suka denger lagu yg gini dari pada aslinya 😌


Saya menyimpan video ini 2 tahun lalu. Dan tidak sengaja video ini lewat beranda ku sangat menyentuh hati sekali, saat masa itu hidup ku sangat bahagia dan santai tpi berbeda dengan sekarang. Jujur saya merindukan vibes saat itu. 😊


making it slower seems like good for people having a hard time rn, love it dawg


Anyone here 2024 and missed the old day 2021-2019-2020


Aku bukan yang menonton cepat tapi aku salah satu penonton setia


Don't lie, I know you've been thinking it
And two times, you let it slip from your lips
You've got too much pride to make any promises
Thinking that we got time, and you want to keep it in
I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Prayin' to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
Nine lives until you fall at my feet
Don't hide, you're wasting your energy
You're not shy, so baby, it's useless
So don't try, 'cause you'll end up losin' it
I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Prayin' to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
So wrap your arms around my chest
And I'll put my hands around your neck
'Cause nobody wins these waiting games
You push and you pull, but you should stay
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
Down, down


OMG ILUV THIS SO MUCH TQ FOR MAKIN THE SLOW VER srry for my bad english:):/


finally after waiting, there is also a new video


Channel ini paling recommended lagunya enak bat, love this song my favorite song from Indonesia 🇮🇩

Lyrics :
Don't lie, I know you've been thinking it
And two times, you let it slip from your lips
You've got too much pride to make any promises
Thinking that we got time, and you want to keep it in
I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Prayin' to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
Nine lives until you fall at my feet
Don't hide, you're wasting your energy
You're not shy, so baby, it's useless
So don't try, 'cause you'll end up losin' it
I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Prayin' to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
So wrap your arms around my chest
And I'll put my hands around your neck
'Cause nobody wins these waiting games
You push and you pull, but you should stay
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
Down, down


Walau hanya virtual.
Setidaknya kita pernah bertemu..

Malang 27 juni 2021


Hello Im From Indonesia, I like This Channel, The best slowed-reverb-lyrics🔥

edit= Thx To 300 like ❤️


I love this song 💖💖💖🦋🦋
I remember this me and my crush 😭💘💘
Sorry for my wrong grammer


I saw two (a little different) slowed versions of this song on your channel 😳. But, the slowed version of this song is cleannn. I get good vibes


the slowed version will always be good to hear, it's like my world slowing down for a minute


I am crying because this song is like I am in the city 🌆


I love this version... Thank you unnie it can make my lonely ness gone away for a awhile..


The slower it gets, the better you feel the chorus on the build up one. Fantastic


Channel ini paling recommended lagunya enak bat.
play in 1, 25x
love this song my favorite song from Indonesia 🇮🇩

Lyrics :
Don't lie, I know you've been thinking it
And two times, you let it slip from your lips
You've got too much pride to make any promises
Thinking that we got time, and you want to keep it in
I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Prayin' to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
Nine lives until you fall at my feet
Don't hide, you're wasting your energy
You're not shy, so baby, it's useless
So don't try, 'cause you'll end up losin' it
I want you out in the pouring rain
I want you down on your knees
Prayin' to God that I feel the same
I'm right here, baby, so please
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
So wrap your arms around my chest
And I'll put my hands around your neck
'Cause nobody wins these waiting games
You push and you pull, but you should stay
Hold me up, tie me down
'Cause I never wanna leave your side
Swear to never let you down
And it's been eatin' me alive
You can take me home
You can never let me go
Hold me up, hold me up
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
And tie me, tie me down, down (down)
And tie me, tie me down, down
Down, down
