Why Seeing 11:11 On Clocks Is A Powerful Sign... (1111 Meaning)

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Seeing 1111 on clocks is now a worldwide phenomenon!

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About This Video:

In this video, Victor Oddo will explain why people keep seeing 11:11 on clocks, license plates, addresses etc. There is a world wide phenomenon taking place right now with the numbers 1111. This video will dive deep into the meaning of 1111 and why people from all over the world are seeing this 1111 synchronicity so very often! Hint... it's a sign of a spiritual awakening!

#1111 #synchronicity #spiritualawakening
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Years ago, I found myself ALWAYS glancing at the clock at 11:11... it wasn't just that it happened so often... or the fact that I saw those numbers.... (or other number sequenes that stood out like 111, 123, etc)... it was how I FELT when it happened. It was as if me and those numbers were sharing a moment... outside of time and space. What? what the heck is going on? Crazy I know! - Eventiually I googled it and found out that I wasn't the only person this was happening to and I proceeded to dive down the rabit hole lol. I can say that since that time... I have felt a sense of guidnace in my life that comes from somewhere other than my own mind... and this guidance, that I know you also have if you're here... led me into a totally different life! Everything got better! and... I learned so much about myself and life along the way. I've learned to trust these signs from the universe and trust the overall process of spiritual awakening. And I hope that this video helps you trust, even a little more. Peace my friends!


1010, 1111, 555, 111, 222, 1212, 777, 444, & 333 constantly everyday around the clock but mostly at my weakest moments. And I kn God is there and here. My 3 yr old son was recently diagnosed with Autism and its been an uphill battle. But I kn this battle is not all mine it is the Lord's. In him I will and must trust! Thank God for his Angels that surround and protect Us!!


When I was going through my awakening, I, too, started seeing 11:11 almost daily, and I started looking up why. I discovered synchronicity and Carl Jung's use of it. Then, I started looking into my birth chart and looked for my birth certificate to obtain the time of my birth. I was completely elated to find that I was born at 11:11 am!! 😅


I see angel numbers all the time! I spent my birthday with friends (11th of a month) and got home at 11:11. I had 111 miles to empty on my dashboard display! This kind of stuff happens all the time to let me know the Universe has my back and everything is good. 😊


My Beloved pug-dog Igor passed away from natural causes (he was 16 yrs old) last year on June 25th.
I held him as he took his last breath..I looked at the clock and it was 11:11pm.
He’s now my Angel.


Those numbers saved my life. There was a very dark time in my life after divorce.I was thinking to finish my life and that time I started seeing those numbers everywhere. 11 11 two times a day and it was definitely accidental.and I believed that something always with me and watching me, trying to tell that I should live because there is purpose in life


I too have been seeing 11:11 & became obsessed w/NDEs. 222, 444 & 555 as well.


Thank you angel 1111 for giving me my own new house 🏘️


For me, 1111 and/or 333, tells me that God is encouraging me in a decision about something. It also is a little "celebration" that I just made it through the latest hurdle put before me. It makes me feel closer to God, and He, I believe, is the best occurrence you can experience.


Thanks Victor..I am a light worker..and I believe I may be an earth angel..and I told my friend last night who is also a light worker that I'm tired of helping..she is too..not enough financial benefit s .something has to change ..and I prayed this for God to continue to bless..because God is the way and the light


My husband and I have been seeing these since 2015… since we got together. Needless to say, I’m many spiritual awakenings into the mix now. So ready for ascension. Much love and light to all! ❤


Victor I have been following you since the beginning of this channel and I must say that I am so deeply not only impressed, but truly inspired by seeing the evolution of you and your growth and beautiful human being that you have come to now embody. I know you dont know me, but I am so deeply proud of you, inspired by you, and absolutely honored to be one of the other "lightworkers" that walk alongside you for the betterment of not only humanity, but for the planet itself. Much love to you brother!


When I was young I saw 1111 every morning. Then my life took a wrong path for a while and I don't think I noticed them anymore. But in the past few years I've broken out of my destructive cycle and I'm on a new path, ... Now I'm seeing all repetitive numbers many times a day. I hope I'm on the right journey now, I feel I've woken up and I see life so differently and I'm happy and free. I have no fear now and I'm getting back to nature where I belong


Appreciate this reminder victor
I have been really feeling down about my life it hasn't moved in 2 years now
And lately it really got very heavy on me the Not knowing ... not knowing myself not knowing what's even my life anymore
Im still clearing so much from my old life
And im doing it while living with ppl that have no idea what's going inside me
It gets lonely sometimes and lately I've been feeling it more than before
Every time im with them or with ppl in general it feels even more lonely.


I have been seeing 11:11 almost everyday. I tend to see these numbers in times of stress and feeling overwhelmed. When I see them I can hear a voice in my head say everything will work out we are here. A feeling of extreme calmness comes over me. I also get teary-eyed because of it. Not because I'm sad but because I have a feeling of deep happiness. I absolutely love this video. Sending so much Love and Light.


I went through the exact same situation in the past. From out of the blue, I had a feeling I had to quit my job. I was newly hired and my then supervisor was so happy when I joined the team and told me he had plans for me later on. Everything was going smoothly. The next day, I resigned effective immediately. Everybody was shocked. But that decision paved way for my dreams. And 2 years after, my twin flame showed up as well. Every step of the way was necessary. I am now a practicing clinician and very happy with how things have turned out.


Vic man soo grateful for you brother!!
Back in 2017 when I started going through my awakening You were the first spiritual teacher I ever came across!! I remember it was a video with 11:11 on it so I clicked and now I’ve seen every video of yours since that time.
Thank you my soul brother for helping me these past 7 years on my awakening journey to grow into the man I am now who married my soulmate on 11/11/2023, truly amazing what this life can bring us when we start to align and see the synchronization.
Back in 2017 I was feeling suicidal at times and now I live everyday in extreme gratitude, even though going through massive inner transformation still ebs and flows of these energies I realize deep inside me the bigger picture.

We are all here to transform and become our greatest versions! This is the greatest time to be alive on planet earth!! 🤙🤙🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🙏🙏


You're a good dude Victor-you've been extremely influential and encouraging along my journey. The universe has you locked in👁️


My daughter and I kept seeing 111 and 11:11. Thank you so much for this enlightenment.


I have been seeing 1111 for many years. Though I knew what it meant, I didn't make a big deal out of it until I was forced to lose my home, my husband, my business and basically staying at different houses, very uncomfortable and no possibilities. I had no choice but to dive into myself and still do the work.
So far, things are slowly getting better. I have to trust more and pay attention. Recently I've been seeing different number sequences everyday that I have to note them so I can see which numbers come repeatedly. Most numbers are the same.
I'm excited about the miracles and magik the universe has for me.
It wasn't easy, but I will not trade the past with anything. I must go through it.
Thank you for your time in sharing your experience ❤️
