Demystifying Encryption Algorithms: A Comprehensive Guide By CWE | Cyber White Elephant.

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@cwe_84 @realtimecyber @kanvihans7 @kanvihans786

Encryption algorithms play a crucial role in securing sensitive information in the digital age. These algorithms are designed to transform plain text into ciphertext, rendering it unreadable to unauthorized individuals. One of the fundamental principles of encryption is to protect data confidentiality, ensuring that only authorized parties with the appropriate decryption key can access and comprehend the original content. Various encryption algorithms exist, each with its unique mathematical operations and complexities. Commonly used symmetric key algorithms, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), employ a single key for both encryption and decryption processes, while asymmetric key algorithms, like RSA, utilize a pair of public and private keys for secure communication. The strength of an encryption algorithm is measured by its resistance to attacks, with key length and algorithm robustness being critical factors. As technology evolves, encryption algorithms continue to adapt to meet the increasing demand for secure communication and data protection, playing a pivotal role in safeguarding information across various digital platforms.

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