Approximating Catalan's Constant in Minecraft

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In this video we approximate the value of Catalan's Constant using the mechanics of Minecraft. Catalan's Constant is equal to the integral from 0 to 1 of arctan(x)/x dx. This is equal to 1/1 - 1/9 + 1/25 -1/49 + ...
We approximate the value of 1/1 by measuring the proportion of times the enderman lands on the upper left block in the inner 1x1 square.
Similarly, we approximate the value of 1/9 by measuring the proportion of times the enderman lands on the upper left block in the inner 3x3 square.
We do this all the way up to the 13x13 square.
If there's a constant that you'd like to see me approximate in Minecraft, please let me know!
#Minecraft #Math #FunMath
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We approximate the value of 1/1 by measuring the proportion of times the enderman lands on the upper left block in the inner 1x1 square.
Similarly, we approximate the value of 1/9 by measuring the proportion of times the enderman lands on the upper left block in the inner 3x3 square.
We do this all the way up to the 13x13 square.
If there's a constant that you'd like to see me approximate in Minecraft, please let me know!
#Minecraft #Math #FunMath
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