Asset Integrity and Risk Mitigation Through SINFLEX: (Structural Integrity of Flexible Pipes)

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Date: Thursday, June10, 2021
Time: 9:00am (CST) / 10:00am (EST) / 11:00h (GMT-3)

Opening Remarks:
Ulisses Sperandio, BRATECC's President
Antonio P. Antunes Jr., Associate Partner at CENTRIC ENERGY

Fabiano Bertoni, Co-Founder & Director at SIMEROS
Henrique Rigon, Research and Development Engineer at SIMEROS

Join us to learn more about Flexible Pipes Testing, Analysis, Monitoring and how to overcome challenges imposed by CO2 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC-CO2) through Structural Integrity Management Strategies and why it matters to your company.
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