Foggy Evening on the Coast | Fog Horn, Wind and Ocean Sounds For Sleep| Relaxing| Studying| 10 Hours

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There's nothing like the sounds and sights of nature to help with sleep, relaxation, and studying. It helps give you a break from negative thinking, and fosters a feeling of peace. Studies show that a mindfulness practice reduces overall stress, anxiety and depression.

The Media you consume effects your overall Mental Health... Your Brain doesn't know the difference between watching something on a screen and living through the actual experience. In Today's World, we're constantly bombarded by programs that cause high levels of anxiety, trauma and stress.

While watching this video, take some time to reflect. You might consider journaling, meditating, stretching, yoga, a gratitude practice or any artistic or creative endeavor. This video is best viewed at the end of your day to relax, at the beginning of your day to start with a feeling of well-being or any other time you might feel stressed.

For the best experience, we recommend listening at a low volume that doesn't interfere with conversation in a normal voice.

I'm so excited you've chosen Outdoor Therapy to bring a little bit of peace into your life! Make sure to subscribe for more videos like this and don't forget to ding that bell so you'll be notified every time we upload a new video.


Hello, My name is Michael Nielsen. My Wife Kate & I created Outdoor Therapy as a passion project - to help you relax, unwind and sleep better. Outdoor Therapy (also called Nature Therapy, Forest Therapy, Ecotherapy, and Forest Bathing / Shinrin-yoku (森林浴) originated in Japan in the 1980's and is known to be very beneficial for Mental Health.

My many years of Videography and Photography experience combined with my Wife's 20 years in the Mental Health field as a Therapist make this channel a kind of natural culmination of our combined interests and expertise.

I hope you get some benefit from these videos, and please feel free to reach out with any questions, requests or suggestions.

Be Well,
Michael & Kate

#foghorn #oceansounds #oceanbirds

© Outdoor Therapy, 2020. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video/audio is prohibited.
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Any one else listening, not to sleep but because they love the sound?


Some years ago, I suffered an injury and subsequent operation that required a long convalescence. I was in Falmouth in Cornwall, and there were many hours of loneliness, especially at night when I couldn't sleep. This was in the autumn, so there were many foggy days and nights, and though everything else was hushed by the fog, the entire harbour and bay would reverberate with the haunting call of the foghorn on St Anthony Head lighthouse. It was incredibly soothing, and this foghorn is close enough in tone and rhythm to offer a lot of comfort now. Thank you for sharing.


This sounds absolutely amazing. Creepy and atmospheric, but also strangely calming


This is one of my favorites I have PTSD and this puts me to sleep within 20 minutes and keeps away nightmares!🎉🎉🎉😊


I can remember laying in bed when I was a kid and hearing the fog horns, good memories 🌹


I was stationed with the uscg up in north Michigan. My house was right on the water with a view of Mackinac island. Some cold winter nights it would be very foggy and I would hear the ships signaling their ships horn for under way making way in fog. This brings me back there. One of my favorite times of my life.


This is the only ambience video that made me actually feel like I was near a lighthouse! Thank you so much!


I grew up on Long Island where I’d occasionally hear fog horns. I now live in Winthrop by the Sea just outside Boston - once in a while I hear them, too. I love it!


I'll never forget going on vacation in Maine. in the 60's. we always seemed to get up to Spruce Head when it was way past my, well everyone's bedtime, It was so dark and my Dad carried me and my sis up to attic bedroom, the POO next to the Hill's Cabin It was the safest place, safest feeling, safest everything! It was so safe I didn't want to sleep, i just wanted to cuddle and enjoy all that God gave me, that I was safe. Well.. 40 years later, after traveling all over the US and living in all sorts of cities and states.. Maine is where I'll die ! :)


Flash back to foggy fall weather when I was a kid. WHen the wind was right, even though I was inland a good ways, I could hear the fog horn . I used to open the window up even when it was cold so I could hear that sound. That was six decades or so ago. I think it was one in Salem Mass.


I grew up in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. It was where the foghorn was invented and first installed. A different sound than this but I still find it relaxing.


I can listen to this all day every day


OH No !!!... Thank you so much...! Have very a nice Beautiful ! day !!!... the screen black and its winday !!! very relaxing day !!! and very lovely Beautiful palaces !!! for visiting here !!!...


This is perfect. It mentally takes me to my happy place that i lost about a year and a half ago. 💔


This definitely gives me Duluth Minnesota vibes but I don’t live there this video is very peaceful thank you ❤


I lived in a port town all my life . As a young child that fog horn sound was a little scary . But as got older it became reassuring . A foggy night . Clam chowder night .


This sound is so comforting and spacious to me! It resonates on multiple levels that I won't go into here but maybe I'll come back and type them later, as I love reading everyone else's stories and thoughts as well 🤍🌥⚓️


Lovely ...i like the light house in the scene


I was born in St. John’s Nfld Canada. I’m sure these sounds are in my child memory . Comforting


This one is a favorite....check the tide before you dose off.
